Saturday, August 15, 2009

Women of Faith

I just got home from Women of Faith. In case you don't know, WOF is a two-day women's conference, held in different cities every weekend. It is fabulous, wonderful, exciting, I can't think of enough words. There is something special about when women get together – and this conference has LOTS of women. We sing, we worship, we laugh, and of course, an arena full of women, we cry! This is my third year; I didn't go last year because it was too close to school starting. It is a great time of bonding with friends, having your spirit renewed and being reminded of the vast, endless love of God. There is a worship team, speakers and special guests. You can check out the website here:

The speakers get to sit in a special part of the arena called "The Porch." I'd like to get to sit on the porch during one of these conferences. (BTW, I feel I need to explain this:
I have a list of "dying wishes" – the things I'd like to get to do if I were to find out I were dying. I guess it's technically a "bucket list" but I don't know how to go about accomplishing these things. Sitting on the porch is one, as well as having Barry Manilow sing "Sandi" instead of "Mandy." The third is to get to be the guitar tuner for Steven Curtis Chapman - but that's another story!)

Patsy Clairmont is always a hoot and has people nearly rolling in the aisles. This year she pulled as hard at my heart as she did my funny bone. Sheila Walsh is such a marvelous speaker that I tend to forget what a fabulous singer she is, and then she just blows me away. Marilyn Meberg always gets me unexpectedly and I can't always explain why. I love how she can be perfectly serious one second and laughing the next. We got to hear Lisa Whelchel, (yes, Blair from the TV show "The Facts of Life.") We met a new Porch Pal, Lisa Harper, who taught the Bible, as I've never heard before. Sandi Patty sang for us on Friday, and we had Mandisa sing for us, as well. I would LOVE to hear Sandi Patty and Mandisa sing together, as they both have voices that just fill up the whole place, but I don't know if we could stand it. I admit freely that I have NEVER watched an entire episode of American Idol, but honestly, what is wrong with people??? Why didn't Mandisa win? She has been gifted with a fabulous voice and boy, can she dance! I think God has much bigger plans for her than American Idol, which I know that some diehard fans of the show can't even imagine. This year Luci Swindoll wasn't at our conference, and that would be the only thing that made this year's conference perfect. I love her and I think we could seriously hang out sometime. . .

Our special guest was Steven Curtis Chapman who I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. He is a gifted songwriter and performer; I mean the man has like 51 Dove Awards, for goodness sakes! I've seen him in concert multiple times and NEVER left wishing I hadn't gone. Last year, he had a concert in Lakeland and there was a website where you could request a song, and he actually sang some of them. He chose my song and sang my request. He had a song years ago called "With Hope." Part of the song goes "We can cry with hope, we can say goodbye with hope, 'cause we know our goodbye is not the end." When my mother died, I wanted that song. It comforted me and helped me grieve. If I thought I'd never get to see her again, I'd be devastated, but like he said - I know my goodbye to her was not the end." The Chapman family has had a rough year, but they made it through – with hope. He told us his wife said something like "We have been to the bottom, and found out that the foundation is solid." Oh, to have faith like that! I admit, I need to be reminded that the foundation of my faith is solid, that "on Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand." I always wonder when I see someone in a concert, if what we see is just a show or the real deal. He proved to us that he is the real deal and that the songs he writes and sings, he means. I don't think there was a dry eye in the house when he sang "Cinderella." What a testimony! What a gift! What a God!

(During concerts, he has to have his guitar(s) retuned between songs and I think that would be the coolest job ever - to be his guitar tuner during a concert. Of course, I don't know how to tune a guitar, but I'd learn. See, that's why it's on my list! )

I can't explain exactly what it is about Women of Faith I love so much. This year's theme was "A Grand New Day" which is perfect for this time in my life. It's a new school year; I've just ended one chapter of my life and am ready to go on to another. There is fabulous music, great speakers and most of all; constant reminding that God loves us! I love being with my friends from church, and spending uninterrupted time with them. I think we all get so busy that at home, we never have time to just focus on each other. We have time and opportunity to re connect with some of our dearest friends and meet some new ones. We had some serious conversations – and some not so serious ones. We laughed really hard, sang loudly, and then cried really hard. I don't know where else we can get that. It's good for your soul.


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