Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Get a degree, find a man, etc, etc, etc. . .

Have you ever noticed the facebook ads that pop up on the side of your page? I started paying attention to them just lately for the first time. I'm not talking about the friend suggestions or the things that my friends are fans of, I mean the sponsored ads. Today, my three ads are:

Increase your salary by working on a graduate degree

It's time to try eHarmony

He's single. Are you?


When I clicked for new ones, I got these three:

Too many friends? Try match.com

Become a fan of Explorica.

Go back to school with Argosy University.


These disturb me for several reasons. I've got no problem with facebook making some money – none at all. What kind of creeps me out why they think I'm interested in some of these things.

My profile said I was a grad student at FSU for 2 ½ years – why do they think I want to do that anymore???

I guess because my profile says I'm single, they think I am just desperately waiting for someone to come along and rescue me from the pit of despair that is my life.

And why on EARTH would I want to explore the world with students?? Especially 6th graders – not in this lifetime. . .

P.S. When I spell checked this before sending it to my blog; my spell check knows how eHarmony is supposed to be spelled. How creepy is that???

PS X 2: I also hate that it asks you why you don't want that ad any more. Here are the possible reasons:







They really want you to tell them why you don't like that ad, so they can give you one that is better suited to you.

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