Monday, January 3, 2011

Whatever happened to customer service?

I don’t really make New Year’s Resolutions, because I always mess them up, but I have kind of decided to be nicer this year.  I really don’t want to be rude or hateful to people.  Well, today was the first day I’ve ventured out of my house in 2011, and wouldn’t you know it, my resolve was tested immediately.

I have been eating a LOT of chicken soup.  Because I’ve been sick, I’ve eaten chicken noodle soup, chicken soup with noodles, chicken noodle soup with vegetables.  I’m starting to cluck!  Okay, maybe that’s a SMALL exaggeration, but I have eaten a lot of soup. So after my second trip to Wal-Mart to pick up my prescription, I decided to get a big juicy hamburger from Wendy’s.  I was craving red meat.  So here I go, into Wendy’s.  I got my bacon cheeseburger and started home. There was some sort of horrible traffic jam  and it seemed to take FOREVER to get home.  I know a traffic jam in Auburndale sounds ridiculous, but there were a whole lot of police cars, the fire trucks, just a huge mess. Our Wal-Mart was so brilliantly designed as to have just one way into the parking lot.  So I ended up sitting through three red lights  to get out of the parking lot.  It was like a conspiracy to keep me from getting home.  While I was sitting, I ate my French fries. I didn’t want to eat my hamburger because it would be too messy. 

I finally get home, put on my pajamas, and sit down to eat my juicy bacon cheeseburger.  I open it to see – a chicken sandwich. And not even  a REGULAR chicken sandwich – the value meal chicken sandwich.  I always order my burgers with no onions, mustard or pickles. This chicken sandwich was COVERED with onions and mustard, neither of which it comes with normally. That means it was somebody’s special order. 

So, I put my clothes back on and my sweet nephew Josh drives me back to Wendy’s.  Here’s where the customer service (or lack thereof) comes in. . . I walk in, with a drive through bag.  Nobody even notices.  I move closer to the counter. No, I’m not waiting in the 8 person long line to get my cheeseburger. I move closer and closer to the counter.  Finally, the counter person says “I’ll be with you in a minute.” Then, she ignores me.  After about 8 minutes a woman in line says “If you don’t help her, I’m leaving!”  She was appalled that I was having to wait that long.  Finally, the girl says “What’s wrong?” I show her my pitiful little chicken sandwich and show her my receipt for a double bacon cheeseburger.  She takes it and disappears.  About 5 minutes later, she plops a new sandwich down on the counter.  No bag, no tray, no receipt, no apology. Just the burger. 

Now, I’ve never had to work in a fast food restaurant.  My sister did and I understand it must be very, very frustrating.  However, I didn’t do anything wrong.  I wasn’t rude, I wasn’t impolite.  Wouldn’t you think they would have at least apologized?  I don’t get it – there are a million other fast food restaurants I could choose to spend my dollars.   The other people in line were more offended than I was.  I just don’t get it. 


BTW, I did check my sandwich before I left this time. 

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