Monday, May 9, 2011

My Heart Hurts!

Mother’s Day hurts my heart. I always miss my Momma on Mother’s Day. But this year, especially, Mother’s Day has been especially painful.
Tonight I went to a memorial service for a child in my class who lost his mom. I was (and still am!) such a mess when my mom went to heaven – and I was an adult. I can’t even imagine what it’s like to be a kid and lose your mom. My heart hurts for him.
My friend Kathy has a daughter who has a brain tumor. Stupid, nasty thing keeps coming back. She’s so worried about her child, even though her child is grown. They’ve had one thing after another, after another. My heart hurts for her.
My friend Jenn, who has the stupid, nasty brain tumor, is about to become a mom. Her baby will have to come early so they can deal with the tumor. Her baby will be tiny – and right now, she (the baby) is breech and needs to turn QUICKLY. My heart hurts for her.
My friend Debbie Jenkins had a heart attack last Sunday. Her family is waiting, waiting, waiting. . My heart hurts for them.
My other friend is worried about her daughter – her daughter’s heart is broken. Her marriage is not turning out like she dreamed it would. The mother’s heart is breaking and she’s my friend. My heart hurts for both of them, even though I don’t even know her daughter.
I can’t do anything for ANY of my friends. I can’t make it better. I can’t bring my child’s mother back; I can’t heal Jenn or make that baby turn. I can’t help Mrs. Debbie wake up! I can’t stop a divorce, or heal a broken family. AND that makes my heart hurt. If I was having pains in my real, actual heart, you know, the blood pumping part, I’d go to the doctor and let him treat me. I need to go to the Great Physician and let Him do the healing. I can cast all my cares upon Him, because He cares for me. And He cares for my student, who seemed who seemed so small, but so brave as he spoke at his mother’s memorial service. He cares for Kathy and Jenn, and that tiny, sweet baby - who needs to turn around!!! He cares for “Charlie’s Grill” as our sweet Trevor calls Mrs. Debbie and for Bro Charlie and for Brian. He cares for my friend and her daughter and her family. He cares and He can heal all our hurting hearts!

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