Saturday, September 10, 2011

Something’s not right. . .

Have you ever read or seen something and thought it was FAB ULOUS, and then started to think that something really wasn’t quite right?? I’m always thinking that it’s just me, and that I’m just cynical, but in this case, I think I’m right.


I read lots of blogs.  I don’t agree with every word of every blog I read, but I  love to read and I’m fascinated with people, so reading blogs is like people watching, at home in your pajamas.  In my opinion, that’s the best of both worlds. I get to peek into people’s minds and can do it sitting on my couch, in my pj’s, and not look like a stalker.  Sweet, isn’t it??

So a friend told me about this particular blog that she likes to read. We like different parts of it, and for a while, I was kind of hooked. I added it to my Google Reader and everything.  But, all of a sudden, I read something that made me go “HUH?, how’s that work?”  I can’t remember one thing in particular that seemed “off” but all of a sudden, some stuff doesn’t make sense to me. 

So, I started poking around some online.  (Remember, I’m trained to be an information specialist – I love saying that!)   I found several other websites that reinforced what I thought, that something was rotten in the state of Oklahoma, I mean Denmark.

Here’s my dilemma – I read blogs of people I disagree with on many issues – politics, child-rearing, social issues.  I don’t have to agree with people to appreciate what they write. So what is it about this one blog that makes me insane?  I know the simple answer is just not to read it anymore.  But, it’s like a car wreck,  you really don’t want to look, but it’s hard not to.  I think it comes to this: don’t pretend to be one thing and be something else.

I’m weird – and it doesn’t take much reading of my blog to get that.  I’m bossy, and opinionated and think that everyone should agree with me. I admit I’m a terrible house-keeper, and I’m a terrible sport. I’m a bad loser.  I can’t keep plants alive and sometimes  I don’t think I should be allowed to have a cat.  At school, I’m one of the “mean teachers.” I get that, and I’m OK with that.  But here’s the thing --  I don’t pretend to be anything different – and I don’t want to read a blog where someone pretends to be something they’re not!

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