Monday, October 3, 2011


A week ago, I had my gall bladder removed. The technical hospital term for this procedure is  “Cholecystectomy.”  Thank God it was done laparoscopically instead of the old way, which would leave me with a big scar and six weeks of recovery. Today I go back to the doctor. I expect him to say, you’re all better, go back to work tomorrow. My four little holes are healing well, one is almost completely healed, it looks like someone drew a line on my belly with a pink marker.  One is still a little red and irritated looking, one is still has a tiny scab on it, and one has some weird rash from the tegraderm stuff that was put on over the top of it.

So far, I’ve eaten regular food and not felt nauseated at all. I ate too much the other day and felt a little sick, but it was not at all the same sick feeling I’ve had for months. Nothing has felt like that. I even ate a grilled pork chop the other night and had no ill effects. 

I’ve spent the week since then doing a  whole lot of nothing. I had a whole stack of books to read – only read some of them.   I had a whole basket of movies to watch, every time I started, I fell asleep.  I’ve slept more in the last week than I have since school started. I would be watching something, and I’d wake up and realize I’d missed half of it.

I didn’t even get dressed most days.  On Saturday I went to Publix, the library and Big Lots, and had to come home and take a nap.  Yesterday I went to Sunday School and Junior Church and that was it for me.  I was so tired, I couldn’t go back to church last night.  I woke up this morning feeling bright and bushy-tailed, and I hope it continues. I have this horrible feeling that tomorrow at 3:45, I’ll be crawling to my car.  I’m glad I’ve got nothing much planned this week. 

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