Sunday, February 19, 2012

I don’t like vampires

So I know I’m in the minority here, but I don’t like vampires. I don’t like the idea of vampires and I don’t like vampire stories.  I got scared YEARS ago when I read Salem’s Lot by Stephen King.  I was in college and I slept with the light on for weeks. 

Now, vampires are HOT in literature. With the success of the Twilight books and the Sookie Stackhouse books , I may be one of the few people who doesn’t like them. I read two of the 4 Twilight books – and couldn’t read anymore. I can’t stand Bella – she is the antitheses of  what I like a book heroine to be. I think Edward should have let the bad vampires get her in the first book and then it would be over.

And as for Sookie Stackhouse, I’ve read one before and I’m trying again, but I’m not enjoying it. I’m reading it because I’m mostly done, but I’m not loving it. I know that they are successful – they made a series on HBO from these books, but I don’t care.

Oh wait, I do like the movie “The Lost Boys.” My friend Kevin and I have watched it 100 times (okay, maybe not really) but we have watched it a lot. I remember one time we scared ourselves to death. It was cold and rainy and we were sitting on our couch at opposite ends.  Right about the time the vampire comes down the chimney, a whoosh of air came down our fireplace.  We both screamed and ended up in the middle of the couch, clutching at each other. Ah, good times, good times.  But other than that, I don’t like vampires.

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