Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A priceless plastic bottle. . .

I got a special bottle tonight. At first glance, it’s just a plain old plastic bottle, but it’s what you can’t see that makes it so special. 


Tonight at church, one of my sweet little girl showed me a bottle of water she’d brought from home.  She had it in her Easter basket and she had another half full one.  She said ‘Look at what I brought!” I thought she just brought it to drink later. I could tell it had some  sort of  flavor added to it, so we talked about the color and the taste. She told me it was mango pineapple. I talked about not liking mangoes, but I smelled it and looked at it. 

Later,  she asked me if I minded if she drank it, since I didn’t want it.  I realized( like a big dummy!) that  she brought that bottle FOR ME!  She even asked her mom for a permanent marker to put  an “S” on the top for Sandi. She put an “A” on hers for Alyssa. 


I was blown away! That was the sweetest thing!  I felt terrible that I didn’t realize it earlier and hurt her feelings.  Of course, I apologized profusely and told her how sorry I was and what a big dork I was for not getting it earlier.    I shared half of my bottle with her and we drank it together.  It was really good!  What she didn’t realize was this – since she brought it just for me, I’d have drank it if it was boiled beef bones!  Even if I HATED it, I’d have chugged it down, for her! Luckily, that wasn’t the case!

They say every seven years your tastes change. I have never cared for mangoes, but I realized after I thought about it, that I ate mango lime pie from Publix, and I’ve eaten mango candy lately.  Maybe it’s true your tastes change. Or maybe the sweetness of that darling little girl is what helped make it taste so good!

Thank you Alyssa for being such a sweetie! Thank you for thinking of me!

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