Thursday, May 3, 2012

Just do the RIGHT Thing!!!

Why can’t everyone just do the right thing??   I have no patience for people who sneak and manipulate for their own agenda instead of just doing what is right!!  Maybe I just expect too much. I try very hard to do the right thing all the time. I know that I don’t, but I TRY.   I know it makes me a goody two-shoes, but if I have the chance to do the right thing or the wrong thing, I do the right thing.

When those decisions are big things, that affect other people, I try even harder to do what’s right, regardless of how it affects me!  So why doesn’t everyone else? 


I’ve had this situation lately where some people chose unwisely – and it is affecting a LOT of people. They’ve had multiple opportunities to attempt to try and fix it or at least try and make it better. And they won’t! It makes me furious, but more than that, it hurts my feelings.  I trust other people to have the same attitude I do and to do what’s right – but they don’t always.  I know this, but I still get offended and hurt. I keep seeing that commercial where one person sees another do one extra good thing, and then that person does the right thing and another and another. The commercial actually says something about all of us doing the right thing. 

Just do the right thing!!

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