Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Keys

Most of my family just got back from a week in the Florida Keys.  My sister Patti and I haven’t been back since our mom passed away at Fisherman’s Hospital on Marathon in 2001. My sister Robyn and my dad have been back a couple of times, but we’ve not been all together. Robyn turned 50 this year and she really, really wanted us to go all together. We had a WONDERFUL time! I’ll probably have another blog later, but here’s a little taste. Here’s a list of my  seven most favorite things about our week.

7.  Stopping today on the way home to see my Granny and my Aunt Cecelia. My granny will be 92 in September – I’m not sure she knew who we were, but she got out of bed and walked to her chair to sit with us!! My aunt  has 4 broken ribs – but still is taking care of my granny, and she gave us boiled peanuts!

6.  Watching the sun set over the Gulf. I love how the sun just melts into the water. . .

5.  Showing my niece Key Deer –f or the first time. I remember one time when we went to the Keys before, my Uncle Wayne and my Aunt Cecelia showed us Key Deer. It was quite an experience doing that with my niece.

4.  Attending Calvary Baptist Church.  This is the church my family visited on Sunday before my mom had her heart attack on Monday. Several people from that church visited us and asked us could they do anything for us. I’ll never forget that – EVER.

3.  Hearing my daddy sing in the shower.  He always sings – and it makes us laugh.  It always has. 

2.  Hearing my niece sing in the shower – and everywhere else.

And my most favorite thing of this whole week: 

1.  My daddy saying “It’s been a good day” and “It’s been a great week.”

1 comment:

  1. So glad you enjoyed your time away! I've thought about you all week, hoping your first trip back was enjoyable.
