Friday, July 20, 2012

What have you been doing this summer?

Today I spent most of the day with my niece. I absolutely ADORE being an aunt, and she is truly one of the delights of my life.  She and my sister lived with me for a time and then moved about two blocks away, so we were close for a long time. Now, they’ve moved farther away, my sister has remarried, and my niece is in middle school so I don’t see her as much – and I miss her.  So, today, we just had time together. 

We started at Sonic and Dunkin Donuts. The girl LOVES donuts.  Then we decided to explore Hobby Lobby, as she’s never been there. We wandered around the entire store – and spent $10.0o.   On the way to Lakeland she said “So, Aunt Sandi what have you been doing this summer?” I had to think about it.  The summer is mostly over, and what exactly have I done this summer? 

I have spent a lot of time reading books and resting.  That sounds very lazy and I don’t mean for it too. My friend reminded me of something and I think it’s true.  Last summer I was sick – I had a wonky gall bladder and it took all summer to get it diagnosed. Every time I ate anything, I felt sick for a certain amount of time afterwards. Every meal, all summer.  Actually, it started in April. I was fine, except for about 90 minutes after each meal – but that wears on a person.  I finally had my gall bladder out in September, but went back to work too early, which caused me to have to miss more time later. 

Last year teaching was one of the worst I’ve ever had.  For many reasons, which are too many to go into hear, I did NOT have a good year.  There were moments of goodness, but as a whole, the 2011-2012 school year does NOT go on my good list.   I k now every job has stress and it’s all different, but politics is making our job harder and harder to do all the time.  Additionally, everybody (and their brother) feels like our job is easy and has an opinion on how we need to do it.  Those same people have no filter when it comes to sharing those opinions with us, and everybody else in the entire world.  All that adds up. 

I take a “happy nappy” every Sunday and on Saturdays if I can get it.  When summer begins, I take naps daily (if I can!)  Usually, about the middle of July, I can’t take a nap any longer during the week.  I just don’t seem to be able to sleep any more. I think by that time, I’ve caught up and  finally feel rested. I’m not there yet – I’m still taking naps every chance I get. I think last school year had quite an emotional toll on me. 

Unless one is a teacher, it’s very difficult to imagine the stress of our job. The constant responsibility and the new things that are added daily and that all need to be done RIGHT NOW just drains a person.  It’s not even lie we can just go home and leave it. It’s always there. 

So, this summer, I’ve read lots of books, and taken lots of naps. I’ve also been lucky enough to spend time with my family and with my friends.  I’m thoroughly enjoying myself, even though there ‘s not much to show for what I’ve done. 

I hope that you have time to rest, relax and enjoy your family and friends. In the long run, isn’t that what is most important anyway?  And a good happy nappy  is always a good thing too!!

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