Saturday, September 15, 2012

Caution–this post may contain descriptions of disturbing images!!! Read at your own risk!!

I have turned into a “house-dress” wearer. Is admitting you have a problem the first step to getting over a problem?? Oh wait, I don’t want to get over it.

I remember my daddy’s momma (we called her Grannie-Ma) wearing “housedresses.” They weren’t quite muumuus, but not something you’d wear OUT. They were sort of ugly and unfashionable and I used to think I’ll never wear those.  (She also ate those orange marshmallow circus peanuts. Gross!!)  I googled “house dress” images and got 961,000,000 results. Trust me, my Granniema’s didn’t look like any of these!!

housedress 1                    housedress 2



I have two. They are both from the same pattern, but one is a salmon color and one is a faded, blueish/purplish. The blue one also has a bleach spot on it.  I put one on every Saturday, unless I have to go somewhere. I think they may have been originally purchased by someone (NOT ME!) as a swimsuit cover up. They are too big, they’ve been washed 1000 times and I love them. 

Why a house dress?? Well, it’s kind of hard to explain. I need to wear something while I do laundry and clean. When I do laundry, I have to go outside and downstairs. I can’t  do that in my pajamas.  So I’ve gotta wear SOMETHING.  And I can’t wear any good stuff, I may need to wash it.

I don’t wear them out anywhere, except maybe the drive thru at Sonic or Hardees! Even then, I try to hide. This is not a good look for me! Unfortunately, I think it’s sort of necessary. I wonder what I’ll do next that I swore I’d never do.  Uh-oh, if anyone sees me eating circus peanuts, just hit me in the head!!

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