Wednesday, July 25, 2018

A New Adventure

In January of 2007, I started a program called Project LEAD to become a media specialist.  To say that this changed my life is an understatement. I think I blogged about it before. . .

Part of that adventure involved  a 6 week stay in London in the summer of 2008.  One of our professors was teaching two classes that we needed in London in the summer.  I decided to go – I had never even stayed in a hotel room by myself before so flying to another continent was really out of my comfort zone. It was fabulous! I don’t even have enough words to say what a wonderful experience it was.  I started this blog during that trip – it was actually an assignment. 

I spent a weekend in Paris and a weekend in Scotland, saw the white cliffs of Dover and  walked through the home of CS Lewis.  We saw castles and cathedrals and buildings still showing damage from World War II. . . 

So, my professor has taught in London many times since then. I’m always fascinated when she goes and follow along on her journey through social media.   Before Christmas, my friend Harry (my professor’s husband) said  “We’re going to London again this summer – you should come!”  I thought I’d love to, but then just sort of let it go.  But it kept sticking in my head. 

So here, I am in a flat, in London, with Dr E, Harry and my sister. We are having a fabulous time.  A new adventure is here!

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