Sunday, August 25, 2019

Back to My Blog

So I’ve decided to come back to my blog.   I originally started my blog as part of my assignments when I was taking classes in London in 2008. After I got home, I kept writing it, but lately, since I started my "new" job (I’m in the 4th year!) I just haven’t written much.  I really don’t even know why. I like writing this, even if no one reads it. I write about stuff that makes me laugh, makes me crazy, whatever.  It is sometimes just completely random thoughts from my head.    My mind is a crazy place and sometimes with no focus, it’ s an absolute mess.  I write just like  I think so I’m positive it’s not always grammatically correct, but oh well. It's mine and I can do with it what I want.
The title of this is “At Least We’re Not Being  Bombed by the Nazis.”  There’s a reason for that. During the 6 weeks, I was in London, we heard that during our Orientation to the FSU Study Centre.  There are tunnels and walkways underground that are used to get from one building to another during certain times of the day.  During World War II, those tunnels were used during air raids. The Director of the Study Centre said that even if you had to use them late at night,  and it was a little creepy, and a longer walk, at least you weren't being bombed by the Nazis at the same time.  When I made the blog, I just liked the way that sounded.  It also puts a lot of things in n perspective. No matter how bad things get and how crazy my life gets, at least we’re not being bombed by the Nazis. 

So, what’s going on in my life this week? I’ll tell you.  This week would have been my parent’s 58th wedding anniversary and my daddy would be 80 this week. That’s a little sad to me.  Also on August 30th, some dear, dear friends of mine celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.  Today  Mr. Donald said to our kids in Junior Church  “It seems like just yesterday.”   That’s a great thing to say.  There are three couples I know who have been married 50 years this year. That’s quite an accomplishment. A lot of people don’t last to 50 days or 50 months, must less 50 years. It takes a lot of hard work.

I start checking out books to students this week, finally!   I’ve been moving textbooks for 2 weeks. I figured out one week we moved quite literally over a ton of books. It’s craziness what it appears it takes to teach little kids to read and write and do math. Yay for library time!!! Yay for seeing students besides at the bus!! Yay for reading!!! 

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