Sunday, March 23, 2014

What do my Legos say about me?

So, a few weeks ago, my students at school used my Legos for a project.  They said they smelled like syrup, so when we were done, I decided to wash them.  I washed some in the sink, in my colander, and some I tied up in a pillowcase and threw in the washer. Air dry, it worked GREAT!

I decided to sort them before I put them back into the tub.  I took out all my people and the tiny part, and put them into a zip top bag.  What I found concerned me a bit. . .


Here’s my Lego family picture.  A slightly dysfunctional family. 


Luckily, we have lots of headgear. Any occasion, I’m prepared. From baseball caps to witch doctor masks to hair. 

That was not as frightening as this: 


Why are my mini-figures this well armed?  I mean, really? That’s quite an armory.

And speaking of “arms” 



These unattached heads are slightly creepy.


And these dismembered body parts.  Notice that there’s an unequal number of heads, bodies and legs.   Oh, and yet another knife.




But hey, we have plenty of flippers And an oxygen tank.


Oh wait, all is well.  We have a magician’s hat, a magic wand and a ghost suit.


Why are there no girls? Why do I have so many weapons? Why do I have  half a skeleton and a ghost? I have no idea. 

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