Saturday, June 13, 2015

Hello! I’ve missed you and the strange things I find in my yard.

Hello my blog! I’ve missed you quite a lot. I haven’t “seen” you or shared with you in a while.  Let’s review:  I started this as part of a class I took in London in 2008. Really? It’s been that long? I can’t believe it!  I decided I liked it, so when I got home, I kept on using it. It’s like a diary, but I do censor myself a bit on here. Yes, there’s actually MORE in my head that I don’t say. Hard to believe I know. 

Let’s catch up. Since the last time I wrote a post, it was December and I was in the midst of my first book fair. In the six months since then, I’ve  survived that book fair, (and another one!) didn’t lose any money, did have some stuff disappear,  finished a whole year as a media specialist, MOVED to a new house, finished another AWANA  year, passed the anniversary of the death of both my parents, watched my niece perform beautifully in Seussical the Musical (yes, that made me happy!) cheered as my nephew got a summer internship with the Department of Transportation, and other stuff I can’t remember. Whew!! I’ve been a busy girl, which is probably why I haven’t been here much.

So even thought I haven’t been posting, I’m always, always thinking of things to post. Really! Wal-Mart is, of course, a constant source of inspiration, the things my students say at school and at my church babies. . . Of course, I could ramble for days about my nephews and my niece and how smart and handsome/beautiful and accomplished they all are. (I’d like to take a little credit for some of that!)  However, today, I’m on another tangent.  I mentioned in that incredibly run-on sentence above that since December, I’ve moved to a new house. I could write for days about my cute little yellow house with the red door and how wonderfully God worked it all out, but that’s another story for another day as well. 

Here’s what’s on my  mind right now. I just came in from working (sort of) in my yard. I have a little patio space with a swing and a fire pit and my hammock. I don’t really work in the yard, I just sort of mosey around. I have lots of big trees in the back yard and every time the tiniest breeze blows, limbs fall out of my trees. Most of the time, they are tiny, smaller than a pencil, but every now and then, there are bigger ones.  Yesterday there were like gale force winds whipping through – really, it woke me up from my happy nappy, so of course, it was a big limb day.  I try to spend a little while on Saturdays picking up the broken limbs. I’d really like to know WHY limbs fall all the time. They all look dead and when I look at the trees, I don’t see all those dead-looking limbs. So where do they all come from – I have no idea. Anyway, today while I was picking up the downed limbs I found some strange things in my yard. My cute little yellow house is next to a VERY busy road, so finding cups and trash is not strange – that’s pretty normal. But today, I discovered two very strange items. Ready?  I found a big pile of doggy doo.  Now, to some people that would be a pretty normal thing – but I don’t have a dog! And it was in my back yard – and I have fences on three sides. The only thing I can figure is someone let their dog come into my back yard and do it’s business. Really? Who does that?

Then, the other strange thing – in the far back part, almost by the fence, I found a dead mouse. It was freshly dead – not to be too graphic, but I could tell. It had one wound. It looked like one of those pet mice people have (although I’ve never understood why.)  Maybe the dog that poohed in my yard tried to eat the mouse. HMMM. .  .

It  sort of creeps me out.  I can’t decide what’s worse – the dog that apparently creeps around in my yard when I’m unaware, or the dead things. A few weeks ago, there was a dead bird in my driveway. I think it got hit by a car. What is it about my yard? What will I find next time?  I hope it’s no more dead things.

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