Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I hate being sick!

I’m sick. I hate being sick. I woke up yesterday with a sore throat, a stuffy head and general all purpose YUCKINESS. I actually called my doctor and made an appointment. The good news is he said that I “probably don’t have swine flu.” That’s good news, right??? He sent me home with a prescription that is supposed to take care of the stuffy head mess. My sister graciously picked it up for me and it is the nastiest tasting stuff ever. I think it’s supposed to be grape flavored, which is not exactly my favorite taste anyway. I’m supposed to take it every four hours, but my 11 – something dose last night made me nauseas, so I dry-heaved for 10 minutes, which did lovely things for my stomach muscles today. I went to work, but left halfway through and came home. I slept all afternoon and want to go to sleep again now. I’m not going to school tomorrow either, and hopefully, this will knock out whatever it is that’s gotten me so icky, nasty feeling. So, with my stuffy head, and sore throat, I’m going to sleep now.

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