Sunday, August 7, 2011

Being “Un-Friended”

I know in the whole scheme of the world, this probably really doesn’t matter, but it bothers me.  I HATE it when people “un-friend” (de-friend??) me  on Facebook.  It hurts my feelings.  I’m not sure why. I notice my friend count sometimes and notice it’s gone up or down. . .  but I notice it most when someone comments on something and I go to their home page to check on them and I can no longer see it and it says “ADD FRIEND.”  Sometimes I think people un-friend me because they are doing things they don’t want me to see they are doing.  My first thought is always “Oh no, what did I do to hurt their feelings bad enough for them to unfriend me?”  I always blame myself.  Maybe it’s really not about me. 

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