Friday, August 5, 2011

Tummy Trouble Part 1

A few months ago, (I’m thinking April) I felt really sick while I was eating my lunch at school and felt sick for about an hour later.  I felt nauseous and just “icky.” I assumed it was just school lunch – not so much what I ate, but the fact that we eat lunch in 22 minutes, including travel time back and from the cafeteria and restroom time! 

A few days later, it came back.  Eventually, it got so that every time I ate, I sick.  So, I decided, this is a good way to lose weight, I just won’t eat.  Unfortunately, even if I didn’t eat, I still felt sick.

I tried to notice if any food in particular was any worse.   The only thing I can determine is that tomatoes seem to cause the sick feeling to last longer. 

I kept trying to decide if it was just stress from school, or what.  Finally, I made an appointment with the doctor. I went to see my doctor on June 13th, the first Monday we were out of school.  My doctor drew blood to see if there was anything weird in my blood.  Apparently, if I had an ulcer that would have shown up in the blood. He said if the blood shows up normal,  I would have an ultrasound. 

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