Monday, July 30, 2012

Why I LOVE the Olympics

I absolutely ADORE the Olympics. If school is in session while the Olympic Games are going on, I always have my students watch as an assignment.  Except for 2004, when we had no electricity thanks to Hurricane Charley, my family watched the Opening Ceremonies right on to the end, as much as we can.  My Aunt Mary Ellen taped the Opening Ceremonies for me and we watched them later!! My nephews learned in 4th grade that to write an essay, you have an introduction, three points and a conclusion. So, here are my three reasons why I love the Olympics.

First, the Olympics make me proud to be an American.  I don’t care if we win or lose (that’s a lie- I always want us to win!)  but I love it when people represent us well.  When we do win, there’s NOTHING like seeing our flag rise up (higher than the rest) and hearing our National Anthem.  It just gives me chills.  I love it when the athletes sing.  (Note to US Olympic Committee – before you give athletes their pass and their credentials, make sure they can sing the words to the National Anthem PROPERLY! That’s a pet peeve of mine!)

Next, I admire athletic ability. I have NONE, but I do appreciate the skills that I see.  I have the utmost respect for athletes who come knowing that they most likely won’t come close to winning a medal, but they come to represent their country anyway. I love good sportsmanship and  I admire the hours and hours of sacrifice spent in training.  Even though I can’t play anything, I can appreciate the heartbreak of defeat or the heart-pounding thrill of victory. I love that we all get to share in that!   I love the stories that they share with us, and I’m not ashamed to admit, sometimes I cry!

Last, (see, I used transitional words!) I love that our country truly is a melting pot, salad bowl, whatever you want to call it. So many countries have people who all look the same and their names all sound the same. We don’t!  When you look at our athletes, we’ve got some of everything. We’ve got blondes, brunettes, redheads! We’ve got names that are very “American" sounding, and some names that could be from any other country in the world.  What a country!!

The Olympics! Just the sound of it makes me smile. Even though the Games only started on Friday, I’m thoroughly enjoying them. I’m hoping for that one moment that will stay in my mind forever, like Mary Lou Retton's perfect 10 vault, and Kerry Strug's crumbling to the the floor, and then vaulting AGAIN! These are the moments that we love.  Don’t' you love the Olympics??

1 comment:

  1. You know what I love? I LOVE your enthusiasm! Your happiness is infectious and I love that about you. I enjoy the Olympics too but could not have put it so well as you. I hope you continue to enjoy it the whole time it's on! Oh, and isn't it fun when they show things that you recognize from when we were in London? :)
