Saturday, August 4, 2012

The End and a New Beginning

They’ve been friends for years.  Two of them met in middle school  and they connected with the other two in band camp before their freshman year of high school. They survived band camps, strange musical productions and  hours of bus rides.  They are “The Four Musketeers.”

I’m not good at many things (this has been reaffirmed to me this week!) but I am a good aunt. I work hard at being a good aunt. That means that I’ve sat thru lots of events I may not have wanted to, because of my niece and  nephews.  One of the things I’ve been around for years was Band. Both my nephews were in the band and Josh  met Cameron in middle school band.  They clumped up with Derrick and Zach in high school.  There were lots of times when the four of them ended up at downstairs at my sister’s house, or in the car, or at dinner. . .  There were times I felt like I had four nephews in the Band instead of just one! 

As they graduated and went to college or to work, I wondered if they’d still stay friends or drift apart. For a while, Zach drifted away, but he’s come back around again.

Last weekend, the four of them spent the weekend together, in Georgia.  It was sort of like their last hurrah. Cameron will never be just “theirs'” again. 

Last night Josh came home and said Cameron was spending the night here. Alli had decided she was staying in their apartment with her girls and he had to get out. So, 3 of the 4 played video games and stayed here last night. Another, one last time.

Today, Cameron got married. It  was a lovely wedding. As Alli’s dad walked her down the aisle, the four of them, along with Cameron’s other friend, played the Bridal Chorus on their instruments. It was incredibly touching. 

Through the years, there’s been lots of pictures.  Sometimes, all four of them, sometimes two, sometimes three. Others have wandered in and out.   Birthdays, prom, band concerts, just fooling around. 

I just had to have one more today!

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