Sunday, June 29, 2014

A good housekeeper I’m not. . .

There are some things I’m good at doing. There are some things I’m not good at doing.  One of the things I’m NOT good at is keeping house.   I’m not a good housekeeper.  Okay, I’ve mostly messy.  If my choice is go to a move or clean my house, I’d rather sit in a dark theater, eat popcorn and watch a movie.  If my choice is hang out with Josh, or watch Makiah in a play or fold clothes, I’ll use clothes out of the laundry basket.  I can  find many, many excuses for not cleaning my house. 

I once heard a wise man say something like “You won’t keep your house clean until you get sick of it being dirty. “  He was right. I recently decided I’m tired of my messy house. During spring break, I started cleaning my house and worked on it really, really hard.  And it’s still mostly clean, which I’m very proud of.  Josh came upstairs to my house and said “Aunt Sandi, your house is looking pretty clean.” He actually said it with surprise in his voice, which I’m not exactly proud of. . .  I found a lot of stuff, threw a lot of stuff away and discovered some things.

Here’s  what I have discovered.

1. I have WAY too many books.

2.  I have too much stuff.

3. I have some really neat stuff. 

But here is my greatest discovery and I’m not really sure why NONE of my really good housekeeper friends ever shared this with me.

I have discovered the wonder that is a Magic Eraser.  It’s the coolest cleaning thing I’ve found.  I have no idea HOW it works, I just know it does.  You just wet it and scrub.  Eventually, it just sort of dissolves away.

If you haven’t used one, a magic eraser will clean just about anything.   The inside of a microwave, check.  A stovetop, check. The outside or inside of a fridge or freezer, check. A wall, check.  Faucets and a bathroom sink, sure. The inside and glass of a toaster oven, yep. . .  I haven’t found anything it WON’T clean.  In my experience,   the ones from the Dollar Tree (2 for a $1.00) seem to work best   Walmart’s version, mehhh.   I’ve never actually used a real Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.  I can’t imagine how good THEY are. 

So, my  new goal is to keep my house clean. My magic erasers make it easier.

magic eraser

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