Monday, July 7, 2014

Little Things. . .

I realize that most of the time, it doesn’t take much to make me happy. Little things usually do it for me.  Lately, there have been several things that don’t seem like much to most people, but make me very happy. Here’s a few.

Yesterday my professor and friend from FSU posted a picture of her dinner and tagged me in it. Doesn’t seem like much right?  Here it is:

shrimp and grits

It made me smile! Why? Because she remembers how much I love grits and it makes me think of when we were in London and she found grits for me.  See? Little things. . .

Yesterday morning at church, when I talked to sweet Ainsley,  she smiled at me.  Yes, she really did – and other people saw it!  Who doesn’t smile when a baby smiles at you? Little things.

During VBS a few weeks back, one of my little girls from Junior Church walked past the kitchen where I was standing with a bunch of other ladies.   Out of the clear blue, she yells out “I love you Miss Sandi.”    As you can imagine, that made my day. Another little thing. 

Today I checked my school email. I try to do it once every couple of weeks in the summer, because even though we’re not at school, the emails keep coming. If I waited until we officially went back to work, it would take hours to sort through it all.  Well, here’s what I discovered. 

name and title 

Yep, that’s me! My title has been changed in our email.  I’m still listed in the Social Studies department, but I have officially been granted the title of Library Media Specialist.  Again, I knew my principal’s secretary had done the paperwork for the county to make it “official” but I wasn’t sure how long it would take.  But there it is, in black and gray.

It’s a little thing, but it made my day. I’ll be smiling about this one for a while.

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