Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Most Interesting Man in the World

You know that commercial with the most interesting man in the world?  You know – I don’t often drink beer but when I do???? It is an advertising campaign for Dos Equis beer and it it brilliant!  I don’t drink beer (or anything else alcoholic for that matter) but those commercials make me laugh.

I have decided I think I know the real, most interesting man in the world – or at least one of them.  I spend six weeks in London in the summer of 2008.   A group of us took two classes at the FSU Study Centre.  Our professor, Dr. Nancy Everhart has taught every year since then but not for 6 weeks! Her husband, Harry came with her. When we met, he and I just sort of hit it off – he is a retired middle school Science teacher  and first, we commiserated about middle schoolers. I just love him – he’s great!!

“Uncle Harry”  is interested in EVERYTHING.  He embraces new technology. He writes a blog called “Florida Coal Cracker Chronicles.”   What a great name is that – it’s a mix of his past and his present.   He  reads and writes about politics, education, the Seminoles, cars, and house movers – do you know anybody else with such eclectic tastes?  He is retired, but he definitely hasn’t  given up on everything.   He’s very frugal (okay, he’s tight!) and he’s always looking for a good deal. But he finds them!!  He can definitely make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear!

Sometimes when people retire, they slow down and fade away!None of that for our friend Harry! He’s always working on something. He retired early – he’s certainly not an old man, but he’s always, always busy!   I’m constantly fascinated to see what  he’s working on today.  I want to be like him when I grow up!  

Interested in the Florida Coal Cracker?   You can meet one of the “World’s Most Interesting Men” here:

Mr Everhart taking our pic

This was Harry taking our picture at the Abbey Road Studios!

This is the picture he took:

Abbey Road 2