Friday, June 21, 2013

A dead snake can’t hurt you. . . or can it??

Here is my dumb deed for the day.  Of course, I have to give you the background story, can’t just jump right in. We have a detached garage that is in questionable shape. We’ve had baby kittens, big old tomcats, probably all kinds of stuff in our garage. That is where our washer is, so we have to go to the garage to do laundry.  My sister and I have both seen a  snake in our garage.  She saw it first and I told her it probably wasn’t really a snake, and then I saw it too!! I had to apologize. 

So today I discovered a dead snake on our driveway. It’s a little snake and it’s dead.   I have no idea what kind of snake it is and I don’t really care, I’m just glad it is DEAD. I walked past it once and didn’t see it, then on the way OUT of the garage, I saw it. I poked it with my shoe and realized it was dead.  So of course I had to take a picture of it. snake

Of course, I took the picture so it looks much bigger than it really is. It’s only about 2 inches across.  I haven’t moved it because I had to show it to Josh and Robyn when she gets home. 

So here comes the dumb part. I hurt my shoulder back in September, playing Tug of War at AWANA.  It’s gotten much better, but every now and then it twinges, mostly when I stretch a certain way. (Putting stuff in the back seat of the car while I’m driving hurts TERRIBLY. You know, like the slapping the kid in the back seat move.)   Today I’m carrying the laundry basket of of clean clothes back into the house. . . meaning I’ve already walked past the dead snake multiple times.   I look down, see it, KNOWING IT’S THERE and it scared me to death. I jumped, twisted and  almost dropped the laundry basket.  And of course it was the hurt shoulder.  It twinged, hurt and now I’m putting the cold pack on it again. I mean honestly, I’ve seen it like 10 times today. Really?? My daddy has said before that a lot of things wont’ hurt us, but they will surely cause us to hurt ourselves. He’s exactly right!!