Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Random Thoughts from My Head Today

So here’s what’s going on in my head tonight. I’ve gotta warn you, it’s a scary place in there right now.

1) I hate the “F” word! I think there is absolutely no use for that word. I also think that the day someone tells me that I just have to “accept” that word directed at me, I may have to find a new job.  I tell my children – “Using curse words in the sign of a small vocabulary – and a small mind.”  I hate curse words!

2) Pepperidge Farms Gingermen don’t taste  QUITE as good in February as they do in December.

3) Italian Wedding Soup is fabulous, I love it and I wish I could make it!

4) Conversation heart candies taste terrible.

5) I like writing my blog, even if nobody reads it! It makes me feel better.

6) I do NOT like my timeline thingy on Facebook.

7) I don’t know how to pronounce this word – “MANDALA” and every place I try and listen at it says it slightly differently. Two places say it “mun-dula” but some say “man-DA-LA.”  

8) I love reading children’s books and nothing makes me happier than a good book to read.

9) I keep forgetting to get the back windshield wiper on my car replaced – until I need it! Then, it’s too late!

See, completely random, completely strange, but that’s how my brain is working today!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Sunday Letter for Madi

My friend Jennifer  blogs about her life and she does it more regularly than I do.  You can fin her blog here:

I probably shouldn’t link to it, because she writes so well, I’m kind of embarrassed.  She cooks and posts recipes and all the clever, creative stuff she does –and I just rant and rave like a lunatic. Oh well, I guess it takes all kinds, right?? Anyway, she writes Sunday Letters for her children and her husband. Her daughter Madi, is one of my Junior Church kiddos and she just blesses my heart. So, I’m stealing from Jennifer and writing my own letter for Madi.

Miss Madi,

I love getting the chance to watch you grow up!  You make me smile every Sunday morning when I go into my Sunday School class and you and Trevor are waiting for or eating your donuts!  I love how you like us to give you math problems to do, even though I hate  math. I like watching you figure it out and the look on your face when you get it!!  I love the look on your face when you run into the building for Junior Church.  I love, Love, LOVE listening to you read Bible verses during our lesson. I am fascinated by the look on your face when we do something crafty, and you are concentrating so hard, trying so hard to follow directions. 

Today, you did something really special.  As you know, we’re doing our JeDi lessons – which do not have to do with Star Wars, but are teaching us to be better disciples of Jesus.  Our No-Duh videos seem to always make you laugh!   Our first lesson was on reading our Bible, and when you brought me that list of all the verses you read, I thought my heart would burst. I know that your Papa was so proud of you too!!

So, I brought you a little treat today – a  plastic Yoda cup filled with treats. You so sweetly asked – “Can I give this cup to Trevor?”   I was so proud of you, and I know your family is too!! I think you share a trait with your Grammy – you think of others all the time. She has an amazing gift for that – and I think you do too!  I’m so proud of you and what a sweet girl you are, I can only imagine how proud your family is!!