Thursday, May 2, 2013

Strange Dreams

Do you ever wonder what your dreams mean? I know some people think they don’t dream, but we all do. I have very vivid, sometimes terrifying dreams. I’ve woken myself up, with my heart beating fast because I was so scared from a dream. I’ve awakened with wet eyes, crying from things I’ve dreamed.  I’ve had dreams that continued even after I woke up and then went back to sleep. 

For years, I had a recurring dream that scared me so badly, I would wake myself up. I knew somehow it was a dream, and would have this conversation with myself and force me to wake me up.  When I was in high school, instead of waking myself up, I had this mental talk – just go a little further. You can always wake myelf up later.  It was a  haunted house dream, there was  a terrifying noise inside. I make myself stay asleep and dreamed the whole dream through – the scary noise was a puppy, trapped inside the house. Once I dreamed it all the way through, I never dreamed it again.

Last night I had a strange, strange dream.  I was trying to protect my little friend Trevor from vampires.  I’m not sure why vampires, I’m not sure why Trevor.  We ended up down the dirt road my sister lived on when my nephew was born. . . with my sisters ex brother and sister in law.  We discovered that the brother was being poisened by the wife.  I have no idea where the vampires came in, but I was hiding Trevor.  While I’m trying madly to  not let Trevor get bitten by the vampires, I’m talking on the phone to his Auntie K. who lives in Phoenix.  I was talking to her while she was at work – and she’s a nurse. Two or three times, she said “Hold on” while she worked on patients.  We were on the phone for like two and half hours, while I’m pretending all is well. I’m trying desperately for Trevor (or Auntie K)  not to know we’re running from vampires.  Then, there were Legos.

I know – it’s very strange. The only explanation I can come up with is that I showed my students a video telling of the myth of Daedalus and Icarus, in which the story was told with Legos. It was pretty cool!  I know my friend Trevor LOVES Legos so maybe that’s where he came in. I have no earthly idea what brought on the vampires or my sister’s ex- in-laws.  I don’t even know why Trevor’s aunt was in the mix. I’m just glad I saved Trevor from the vampires.



Isn’t he adorable?? I mean, is it any wonder the vampires wanted him??

Oh, oh, I just figured out why perhaps my mind inserted Trevor’s aunt into my dream. My friend Jennifer, who is Trevor’s mom, posted pictures of her and Madison, Trevor’s big sister, in aprons that Auntie K made. I was admiring the aprons yesterday!!!