I saw it in a catalogue. In the catalogue, there were kits you cold buy to decorate the tree for every month. I thought that was a neat idea, so my sister bought me a tree.
I do change the decorations by the season. Last Saturday, I put all my FSU stuff on it. September starts college football so it gets my FSU decorations.
In October, it gets bats and monsters.
In November, fall leaves and Thanksgiving things.
In December, I put my special ornaments on it that might get lost in my big tree. ( Or sometimes I make it my purple tree and only put purple stuff on it!)
In January, it’s gets snowflakes. (Yes I know, we live in Florida – pretend snowflakes on a tree are as good as it gets!) February, on go the Valentine hearts. In March I sometimes do Easter and sometimes do spring. April gets lambs and more spring. May I usually just ignore and summer time gets flip-flops and sea shells.
But I have some special ornaments that stay on all the time. They are my favorites.
I have book ornaments, and old keys just because I love them. I have a teacher ornament.
This one I got from my sister when we got her annual pass for Disney World.
This is my Bubba cat. I miss him, even though he was mean and no one liked him except my Daddy and me.
This is my newest ornament. It’s my Feed the Birds ornament. I love Mary Poppins and I got this at St. Paul’s Cathedral when we were in London last month. (It cost a little more than “tuppence.”)
This is my pearl S. My friend Jennifer had a “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” themed birthday party and these told us where to sit.
My sweet friend Ashley found this set in her Christmas stuff and gave them to me. It’s a whole set of Dr. Seuss ornaments!
There are several ladybugs, because my Daddy called me “Bug” until the last time he talked to me.
This one may be the most special. My Daddy told us for years that when it was time for him to go, to call Kersey’s and let them take care of him. Kersey’s is our local funeral home. They did a wonderful job taking care of all the stuff for us. Every year, they have a memorial service for all the people that they have taken care of during the year. They have ornaments made and decorate their own Christmas tree. The year my Daddy passed away, we were all just too raw to attend the service. It was in December after Daddy died in September. A few days after the service, I got this in the mail. I don’t know why it came to me instead of Mrs. Betty, my daddy’s wife or even my sisters. But it hangs on my year round tree.
I love my tree – and I love the stuff on it. Maybe you need a year round tree.