Today Katherine and I went to Portobello Market. Our directions were to get off the tube at the Notting Hill Gate Station and follow the crowds. That's all you really need to know to get there. Of course, I think about half of the people who were in London today decided to go with us. The crowds were unbelievable. The merchandise was unbelievable. I could have happily sat down somewhere and just watched people walk by for hours. I've seen "Bedknobs and Broomsticks" and seen the creepy book seller guy. I've seen "Notting Hill" (more than one time and no, I didn't see any shops that just sell travel books) but in both cases, I was not prepared for what I really saw. I think it's funny how both movies I know of about the Portobello Market have to do with books. . . Maybe that's just all I remember. I do love books, as I'm already worrying about how to get all the books home that I've already bought. It's a good thing both my bags were light on the flight over. I keep wandering into bookstores and I have NO self control when it comes to books. Anyway, back to Portobello - I did see lots of places to buy
used books, and I tried my very best to go into every one. There are antique stalls and jewelry stalls and books stalls and flower stalls and fruit stalls and pastry stalls and etc, etc, etc. I have decided that whoever creates "Smell-o-vision" will be brilliant, because the smells today were unbelievable. Fresh flowers, sweet strawberries, tart oranges, crepes cooking, leather notebooks, I can't even describe all of them. In the shops, especially the book shops have that sort of dusty smell that is unique to old books. I saw a hardback set of E.Nesbit books that I really had to force myself to walk away and leave. I saw some little tiny volumes by Shakespeare and Dickens, even what looked like a large old family Bible. Huge stacks of cups and saucers, teapots, lots and lots of jewelry. I also was amazed at the stalls and shops selling silver. Now, I don't know much about silver, but I saw a ton of it today. My niece, who is 9, recently became enamored with salt cellars and the tiny little spoons used to sprinkle salt out of a salt cellar. I found some for her today, at an incredible price. I also found some tea balls for my sisters, who like to make hot tea using loose tea. Metal tea balls are not available around where we live. I also ventured into the Woolworth's, where I found the first Reese's Peanut Butter cups I've seen since we got here. I haven't been into a Woolworth's in years. I didn't buy a whole lot of stuff today, but I truly did enjoy the experience. I was having a little trouble in the crowds on our way back – I tend to get a little nervous in a big crowd. I think it has to do with getting lost once in a crowd when I was a little girl. I loved looking at the houses along the way to the market – especially the ones that are painted the colors of sherbet – pink, yellow, pale green. It is just gorgeous. I especially loved one door that was hot pink and had little flowers on the number marker. Again, everywhere I looked I saw flowers and of course just had to get some pictures of them.
You can see more of my pictures, including the pink door by following this link to my Picasa Web Album.