Yesterday I spent my first Independence Day away from the US. I've spent July 4th in various places – at home, and at the beach most recently, but never out of the country. In London, July 4th is just another day. No banks were closed, the mail still came, and people still went in groups past our window to the British Museum. So, what's an American to do in London for to celebrate Independence Day? Well, the Study Centre has tea every Friday at 4:00, so for the occasion, they had decorated the Lecture Theater in red, white and blue, including blue sparkly lights. For tea, they had great goodies (I actually had Nutella for the first time) the biggest strawberries I've ever seen, raspberries, and especially for the occasion, mini apple pies. Tea was fantastic! Later, we wandered down to the British Museum which was celebrating American Independence Day with lindy-hopping, line dancing, American beer tasting and free Krispy Kreme donuts. They were really good; however, I think I offended the woman passing them out, because she heard me telling Katherine how good Krispy Kremes are when they are hot! She informed me that since they were free. . . I apologized, but I think she was still offended. I was just telling Katherine about the time my sister Patti, nearly killed us by throwing her car in a u-turn in front of a semi truck, bec
ause the "HOT" light came on at a Krispy Kreme store. I didn't mean to offend her, and the Krispy Kreme was fantastic. They also had people exhibiting American football outside, and a quilt exhibit inside. After all the excitement, we needed some real food, so since it was July 4th, what could be more American – we went to McDonald's. Are there any words to describe McDonald's French fries? (I'm not ashamed to admit I have the palate of a 12 year old and I LOVE McDonald's food.) So, there you have it, my Fourth of July in London.
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