Wednesday, July 31, 2024

I'm Back! Back to my Blog Part 2 or 3. . .

Hello, friends!!! 

    I began this blog in 2008. It was an assignment in my classes in London and after it was no longer an assignment,  I  just kept doing it for a while.   I like it.  I just ramble on and on and usually, people think it's funny. I'm not sure I ever MEAN to be funny, but I do weird things, therefore weird things happen to me. For whatever reason, I'm not afraid to tell people what kind of dumb things I do. 

    I don't think I've posted since Covid. What have I been doing since that time? Working, living my little life as best I can. Since then, I've bought a house, gained a roommate, been to Israel twice, Egypt once, lost weight, gained weight, bought a new car, had a devastating car wreck, made some friends, lost some friends, had a job I loved, lost a job I loved.  Oh wait, we aren't ready for that post yet. You know, just doing all the stuff. 

    So if you're new here, let me introduce myself. I just finished year 30 in public education, in good ole Polk County, Florida. I could retire, but I enjoy things like electricity, my house, and food so I have to keep working. Besides, I'm not done yet - at least that's what I tell myself. Yes, I put double spaces after periods when I type because that's what I learned in typing class. I'm not married, have three cats who live in our house (more about them later) and my niece shares this house. She's a teacher too, and we work 5 miles away from each other. I tell people I spend my life surrounded by other people's children and that's absolutely correct. I work in a school and work with children at my church. 

    The title of this blog came from our orientation lesson at the FSU Study Centre in London in 2008. There are hallways underground and if you live in some flats, you have to use them after a certain time of the day. They are basically tunnels, although they have lights, carpets, and walls. Apparently, people complain about them. We were told that during World War II, people used them to hide while London was being bombed by the Nazis. Someone said, "When you are walking in them, at least you're not being bombed by the Nazis." It stuck with me. Sometimes in this blog I complain and whine about stuff that I don't like BUT, it could always be worse. We could be hiding in tunnels while people drop bombs on us. 

So what will I write about? Whatever I want to. 
Will you always agree with me? Probably not. 
Will I tell you things you don't know? Maybe. 
Will I share WAY too much about my life with you? Most definitely
Do you have to like what I say? Absolutely not. 
Will I be honest? Yes. 

So, if you've been here before, welcome back. If you're new here, welcome to my life. And hey, at least we're not being bombed by the Nazis.