Thursday, December 17, 2009

My Friend, Flicka, I mean KENNEY!!! (Or My AWANA leaders are the BEST!)

Okay, let me tell you a story. I work in AWANA at my church. AWANA is a children's program. I am the director of TNT, which is the 3rd through 5th grade kids. We have a commander, which is the person in charge and we have leaders. Apparently, that's the chain of command – Pastor, Commander, Director, Leaders. . .I'm a horrible director, but they tolerate me. We have a new commander this year who is working REALLY hard. His name is Kenney. All of my leaders are FABULOUS but my ladies go way "above and beyond." We are having an afternoon tea for our girls this weekend and you wouldn't believe all the stuff my ladies are doing. I guess I've known Kenney for years, I remember when he and Holly got married and when their girls were born, but I have never worked with Kenney much until two years ago when I left the teens to come work in AWANA. Kenney was one of my leaders but he's moved up now and I've gotta say, he's impressing me. He is working really hard to be a great commander and he's doing a great job. I know he's a great dad and I don't know any dad except maybe my own, who is so crazy about his girls. Sounds like a great guy, right?? Now, I need to explain something. Kenney is one of the rabid Gator fans. He gives me all sorts of grief about being a 'Nole and that's just one of those things we have to agree to disagree on! But other than that, he's a pretty good guy.

    So last night, my ladies gave Kenney and I both a present. They were the same size and shape so we opened them together. I heard one them say, "I hope I didn't put the wrong name on the wrong package" but I didn't think much about it. We opened our packages to find . . . a blue Gator apron for Kenney and a beautiful, fabulous, garnet Seminole apron for me! We were both so impressed and I was touched. (I think Kenney was too, but it's easier for me to show it.) Of course, we had to take pictures. . . What incredible thoughtful gifts! I'm truly blessed to work with such great people!

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