Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Bubba-cat, Take 2

So, everyone (all two people who read my blog!!) know that I have a cat named Bubba, because I blogged about him a little while ago. Well, another day, here we go again. Rumor has it that my poor cat is being maligned in a certain 5th grade teacher’s classroom where he is known as “Bubba the EVIL cat.” Well, for a supposedly evil cat, he has the cutest new habit. He likes to drink water as it drips into the bathtub. He has a water dispenser, an electric one, mind you, with a pump and filter that is supposed to give him clean, fresh water all the time. But he’d rather drink from the bathtub (and occasionally, the toilet!) So his newest trick is, he sneaks into the bathtub when he thinks I’m not looking. I can’t seem to make him understand that I don’t care if he drinks the water left in the bottom of the bathtub, but he still keeps trying to sneak. His next trick is trying to sneak out of the bathtub as well. My bathroom is tiny. For me to notice him sneaking in or out of the bathtub, I’m usually. . . “busy” but since my bathtub is the size of a postage stamp, he’s NOT sneaking. Then, he shakes. The other night I woke up with his wet head pushed against my leg and I knew he’d been sneaking into the shower again. Crazy cat!
So, I wanted to create an online photo album for the 5h grade teacher who talks about her sister’s “EVIL cat.” I wanted her to be able to show her kids my cat. So here it is Bubba’s first photo album. What a cat!!

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