Wednesday, July 13, 2011


In 2008, when I went to London, my friend Laquita and her husband cleaned my house for me while I was gone.  Ever since then, I think Laquita watches me carefully for signs of being a hoarder. She was amazed that yes, I buy toilet paper and paper towels at Sam’s Club. I have good reasons for why I do the things I do. 

First,  I have an unnatural, illogical, unreasonable fear of running out of toilet paper.  I know, it doesn’t make sense, I live alone. But, I don’t want to run out – I LIVE ALONE! I could be stuck for days, until someone came to look for me!!

Second, I am very messy! I go through LOTS of paper towels.  I also usually take 1/2 of the rolls to my classroom!  School paper towels are rough on the hands.  (I heard a rumor that someone once discovered one of the ingredients in school paper towels is recycled cardboard!)  Especially when my students are sick, I wash my hands frequently and I use paper towels. I prefer white, roll paper towels to brown, flat cardboard.

Today, while trying to clean some I found another reason why I might appear to be in the beginning stages of hoarding.  I am not organized and loose things!!!  I found a bag of glue sticks for my glue gun.  Yay, I’ll put them with my glue gun.  Imagine my surprised when I found yet ANOTHER bag of glue sticks.  (And then, part of a third bag!)  I know, it would appear that I could be hoarding glue sticks, right? I’m not, I just keep losing them and have to buy new ones because I CAN’T find the ones I already have!! I also keep a glue gun in my classroom and it is entirely possible that I purchased one of those bags to go to my classroom and it never made it. 

I don’t think we need to call A&E yet! I think I’m safe for a while.  I’m not a hoarder, I just am unorganized and clueless sometimes!!!

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