Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Granny

Today is my Granny's birthday. She's 91. We saw her two Saturdays ago.  She's confused sometimes and she says mean thing sometimes. I'm not sure she means to be mean, she just doesn't have much of a filter left.   Last year we had a big birthday party for her.  I posted this blog post after her birthday.

She doesn't live alone any more -- she's had to move in with my Aunt Cecelia so she can take care of her.  She has moments of confusion, followed by moments of absolute clarity. She asked us 10 times if that was our car in the yard, but then asked my sister if she still worked for Hospice. She asked me "what grade are you in again?" but knew I'd been there for a long time.  She asked if I got a job in a library yet, but asked Robyn if Josh was "her boy" about 6 times.   She has to use a walker and doesn't eat much, but still has these moments where she seems just like she always has. 

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