Monday, September 3, 2012

Bad luck with pointy fingers

Okay, I have this neat classroom tool I call my “pointy finger.”  It’s a finger pointer that I use with my document camera. I have big hands and sometimes when  I want to point something  out  to my students, my fingers and hands just get in the way.  So, several years ago I found a finger pointer.  The day we passed our media certification tests, my friend Robyn and I stopped at our local teacher store and I saw this tub of finger pointers. I like them, so she bought me a red one.  I used it  a LOT until one day, two years ago, an evil child in my class stole it!! He actually was playing with it in another teacher’s class and he made the student throw it away. The boy even tried to get it out of the trash and the teacher made him throw it away a second time. If he’d read  his email, he would have realized I was already looking for it and suspected THAT student had taken it. When the student was confronted, he said “it’s just a pointer.” That wasn’t the point.  That first one was red.

So, I was so bummed about my lost pointy finger that my sister brought me one that she had She didn’t use it much and I was being such a whiny baby, she brought me hers. I think she got it at the book fair.  This one was blue.  I can’t find it.  I have a vague recollection of putting it somewhere “safe” while I was out for a week last year for my gall bladder surgery, but I can’t find that safe place.

On Saturday, my other sister and I had lunch right down the road from the teacher store and my sister needed  a tree for her Sunday School bulletin board.  I got a new pointy finger. This time I got a green one.  So we get to her church and she’s working on her bulletin board. I pulled out the “read” poster and the pointy finger that my sister bought for me and put the trash in the bag from the teacher store and threw it away. 

I post something about my pointy finger and my friend Debbie asks what it is. I start looking for my pointer to take a picture of and show her. I can’t find it.  I’m looking all in my giant school bag (where I put the poster)  under the couch, inside the folders inside my giant school bag and I can’t find it anywhere. I’m beside myself at this point. I’m downstairs telling Robyn and Josh the sad tale of woe regarding the universe’s plot against me having a pointy finger and I remember bringing in my bag of library books from Robyn’s car.  I tear up the stairs and there it is, my lost and now found pointy finger. I don’t know why I have such a hard time keeping up with them. They only come in four colors and now I’ve had every color except yellow.  Really, it’s not that hard, is it??

finger pointers

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