Wednesday, March 18, 2020

This Stinks, but I’m Learning Stuff

So as anybody who doesn't live under a rock knows, everybody got sent home from school.  this is NOT our Spring Break in Polk County – that is next week, but because of the stupid Corona Virus, we are all home.   I”m calling this “Corona Virtus Spring Break” henceforth abbreviated "CVSB Day ___.” 
I’ve spent a LOT of time with my own self for company and we’re only on Day 3. I'm learning a LOT of things about myself.  So of course, I had to write about it.  So here, we go: the things I’ve learned.
1) I really, really detest yard work.  A few weeks ago, my landlady came to bring me aa new fire extinguisher and said I needed to pull some stuff out of the little rectangle in front of my house.  I knew I needed to work on it, but I don’t like it.  I pay someone to mow my yard but he “mows, blows and edges.”  He doesn’t pull weeds or trim trees.  So when that needs to be done, it’s on me and I don’t like it at all. I don’t like to be dirty, I don't like to be sweaty and I don’t like it when bugs fly up my nose or down my shirt. I did it, but I don’t like it.
2)  What I read, what I watch and what I listen to have a huge impact on my mental state.  If  I listen to uplifting things and read unplaiting things and watch uplifting things I feel better.  If I watch or read or listen to other things, I find it easier to be angry or irritated or frustrated.
3) I always felt like wireless earbuds were unnecessary.  Today the wires on the pair I have got caught multiple times while I was doing the dreaded yard work,  I pulled them with the hedge trimmers, pulled them with the loppers and pulled them when I threw the cut stuff by the side of the road.  Every time, they pulled out of my ears. Now, my ears hurt, from the snatching out part!  And I may have put dirt in my ears from putting them back in.
4) On an iPhone, if you’re listening to music and want to go forwards or backwards, but you’re wearing gloves, you can push the arrow with your nose.
5) I have a lot of words inside of me and staying by myself doesn't let them out.  today I started reading text messages in other people’s voices.  It didn't work  very  well. I laughed at myself a LOT.
6)  I miss people.  I have hermit-like tendencies and am generally quite happy on my own but this could turn into not good. 
7)  I miss my church.  We are streaming our church services, but it’s NOT THE SAME.  I miss seeing people and talking to people and listening to my Sunday School class laugh and talk,.  I miss my Junior Church babies and my  AWANA babies. 
8.  I have two nests in trees in my yard.  I watched a squirrel either feed babies or repair a nest for about 30 minutes today. 
9) Isolated, alone Amazon shopping can be dangerous.  I hesitate to even see what starts arriving at my house. 
10) Counting your toilet paper rolls over and over again doesn’t change how much you have. 
11.)  This too shall pass. . . I don’t know when, I don’t know how long, but it will pass.  I just hope I remember to be grateful when things are “normal” again. 

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