Monday, October 6, 2008

McDonald’s French Fries and other random thoughts

One thing I love about blogging is that I can just ramble on about anything and it's OK. I guess if somebody doesn't want to read it, feel free to click somewhere else. So, here are some completely random thoughts for today.

1. Is there anything in the world as good to eat as hot, fresh, McDonald's French fries? I don't think so. Wait a minute, let me back up – the grits I ate in London may have been pretty close. Maybe it's just my approximately 12-year-old palate, but I really, really, love those fries. I was at school late today, too many papers to grade, too much work to do and it was raining and of course, I have two umbrellas in my car, but NONE in my classroom, so on the way home it was late and I was hungry so I ate early. I just happened to have a book of McDonald's gift certificates in my purse, so why not? That first fry. . . Yummy! The second and thirds ones, Ok, the entire serving, they were just perfect. Now, I have a million things I should be doing, reading chapters, figuring out a fold-able for continents and oceans, and instead, here I sit blogging about French fries.

2. Media certification test – My friend Robyn and I passed our media certification tests on Saturday. Yay for us. We were a little stressed for several reasons. A) We weren't sure we knew enough to pass yet. B) No pressure but FSU has a 100% passing rate on that test. I was afraid I would be the first one not to pass. I mean we can take it again, but still. Nothing like being reminded that our school is the "#1 ranked program in the US and Canada for youth services and #5 for school media." That's fantastic, but while I was sitting there waiting for my test questions to start rolling up, I still felt like throwing up. But we both passed, which makes three out of our group of five in our county. Our other two friends take it later this month. According to the state, I can now (when the paperwork is done) work as a certified media specialist, without the degree. Of course we still go back to that "don't know enough about what I'm doing thing." We have to finish the two classes we have right now, do an internship and one more class, and then we are done. In some ways it seems like it's been forever and in some ways it feels like we "only just begun."

3. Bills and bills – I hate paying my bills. It's not the draining of my bank account, although that is certainly not fun. I just hate the time it takes to do it. I always feel like I could be doing something so much more fun.

4. Politics – I hate it. Can't we just vote and get it over with? Teaching 6th grade is lovely – political thoughts from 12-year olds. . . Scary thought, right? I've decided that if somebody running for office can't tell me why I should vote for him/her without telling me how bad, evil, and rotten the other person(s) are, I don't want to vote for them. . .Oh I guess that means I don't get to vote at all ever again! That's a joke, of course, I'll vote – can I vote D) none of the above??

5. Nora Roberts – Nora Roberts is one of my favorite authors. I accidently picked up a book of hers that I've already read and started reading it the other day in a weak moment. I know, I know, I should be reading chapters and articles on the organization of information and managing information organizations. I am, I am, but I just have to read something more fun. I love how she (Nora Roberts) writes trilogies because I like the people in them and one book just isn't enough. I love that the women in her books are always bright and funny, not stupid and bland. These are women I'd like to hang out with, seriously. In addition, her men. . . Sorry, drifted off there for a minute. There are such good stories in her books. I can't believe how prolific she is, and how many books she manages to write. My sister once said that inside my head must be a scary place, because of the way things just pop out of my mouth. I'd like to take a peek inside Nora Robert's head. . I can't imagine how she manages to create all these characters and keep them straight and yet still give them so much personality. BTW, the book I'm re-reading (for the third time I think) is Blood Brothers. It is part of the Sign of Seven Trilogy, the second book "The Hollow" came out in March. Book three "The Pagan Stone" comes in December, hopefully after the FSU semester is over. That's probably an all night, get it read it right away book.

All right, enough random thought for now. Chapters and articles are glaring at me from across the desk. To work, to work!