Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Why Me?

Tonight I feel blessed beyond measure. Tonight at AWANA, I was showered with gifts, cards and goodies.  I’m always slightly embarrassed when people bring me gifts and I never know what to say.  I know that’s hard to imagine – me NOT knowing what to say – or at least pretending to!  I’m always thankful, but sometimes “Thank You” just doesn’t seem like enough. 

I’m never really sure why people choose me to bring gifts.  Why me?? I certainly don’t deserve them!  Why do people who have a whole bunch of other people to purchase gifts  for add me to their list??  I’m flattered and I always feel unworthy! Tonight one of my AWANA ladies brought me some home-made Oreo truffles. Several years ago, she made some for girl’s tea we had and I was just blown away at how good they were. She remembered that – and brought me some!  They are fabulous!! I have eaten WAY too many sweets today, but I HAD to eat one of those – and almost cried. That’s how good they are.  I was tying on a Grinch mask at the time when told me the package was for me.  I thanked her, but I know it seemed like I wasn’t paying attention. I was! My AWANA leaders gave me a  lovely sweet card – again, I felt stupid and couldn’t find the words I wanted.  All night, I just kept feeling like I wanted to cry. Partly because  I’m so thankful that people care,  and partly because  I can’t say what I want to say. So let me try this – Thank you to all of you who  make me feel special and important – and that the things I do matter. You have NO idea how much that means. I wish I could tell you how it makes me feel to know that you invested something of yourself in me.  Thank you all for caring about me!  


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I <3 Music

I have NO musical talent.  My dad is very musical – he played in the FFA band for years. My oldest sister is the very best pianist I know – and I’m not just saying that because she’s my sister! My other sister sing beautifully.  I got nothin!   My talent is to turn the pages of the sheet music. (Apparently I got it honestly, I think my mother was tone deaf!) 

But oh, how I love music. I sing (badly and loudly) quite often – when no one is around.  There is always a song in my head – and sometimes it bursts out!  I didn’t realize how much I sing until I got this LightSpeed system in my classroom. It has these two little microphones you can wear around your neck and it connects to the speakers they put in my ceiling, so even when my A/C is on and I have a huge classroom, everyone can hear me.  (I’m not sure that was ever a problem before, but anyway!) Now, unfortunately, I realize I sing to myself out loud quite often – and my students suffer for it!

I have very eclectic musical taste. I mean how many people have Bon Jovi right  next to Barry Manilow – HUSH! Don’t laugh!!  I love him! He’s my dying wish. If I’m ever dying and I get a wish from the Make a Wish Foundation – I want him to sing “Sandi” instead of “Mandy” just once!!

Oh and the next shelf has soundtracks from movies and plays. I’ve got “Wicked” and “The Wedding Singer.”  The Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing Handel’s “Messiah” right next to Merry Christmas from the Beach Boys – and the Chipmunks!! Christopher Cross next to Chris Tomlin ( lots of him!! ) next to Jim Brickman next to Journey next to Kenny Chesney. 

I read this quote the other day “When words leave off, music begins” by Heinrich Heine.  I’d never heard of him, but he was exactly right.  There are things I can’t say  that I just don’t have the words for, but someone has already said it for me.

Last month at Women of Faith, Sandi Patti did her “Jesus Love Me” thing – she sang Jesus Loves Me as she sang it through her lifetime. My sisters and I heard her do that years ago, when we first EVER  heard her. It was our first “girls only” night and we were fascinated because she spelled her name just like we did! It’s pretty simple, but it’s exactly right. Through every circumstance in my life – that one thing is constant – Jesus loves me! When I’m happy, Jesus loves me. When I’m sad, Jesus loves me. When I’m confused, Jesus loves me. Isn’t it amazing – the first song I ever learned is a foundation stone for my life!! Is it any wonder I Red heart music??


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 12–I’m thankful for. . .

My pastor! I’ve had several pastors throughout my life and quite often, it was my daddy! I’ve been blessed to have wonderful men of God who were truly dedicated to the Lord and His service.

My  church now is blessed with a wonderful pastor. I love that he loves us, in spite of us.  Lately, he’s been preaching to me pretty hard, at least I feel like it. But that means he’s preaching what I need to hear, right? Even if it’s painful?

I love, Love, LOVE that he reads often and frequently! Because I’m a reader, when he talks about this book and that book – he’s speaking my language.  I believe that we all should be life-long learners and he is!

I’m thankful for a pastor that loves his family – and is not embarrassed or ashamed to say it! I love that he holds hands with Mrs. Debbie and that he has a verse for each of his grandchildren. 

I love that he makes mention of his salvation story frequently. That tells me that it is STILL important to him. His life became  very different on that November day and  I like it when he tells it again.

I am thankful for his availability. When I had my gallbladder out, he and Mrs. Debbie came to see me before. When my sister had surgery and was without a pastor, he came and prayed with my sister – who he doesn’t even know!  And on Monday, which is his day off!!

My church is blessed and I am blessed. We had a guest preacher last week who reminded us that we need to pray for our pastor all the time. It really convicted me – and I’m making it my goal to pray for my pastor EVERY SINGLE day. If you see me, ask me if I’ve prayed for my pastor yet today. I’m ashamed of myself that I hadn’t been. I do on Sundays and on Saturday nights and when I know he’s stressed, but EVERY day is my goal. 


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thankful for. . . (Day 3)

I’m thankful today and everyday for parents who not only were readers themselves, but encouraged us to become readers.

(This was supposed to be  just a Facebook status update, but it needs more.)

C.S. Lewis – who  happens to be the author of my most favorite books EVER said ““You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” I may trade that cup of tea for a glass of tea, but it still rings true.  I was blessed to grow up in a home of readers. We always had books in our house and our parents could always find money for books. I remember visiting the Goodwill store called the “Re-reader” for books when I was little.  We could pick up books for a nickel, dime or quarter. (In hindsight,  that early experience makes it VERY hard for me to pay full price for hardback books now!)  They also taught us the value of the public library. We moved from Lakeland right after my 7th birthday and I had already learned to LOVE the library. Anybody else remember those funky colored wire mesh looking chairs in the children’s section of the Lakeland Library??

Our school was poor – we were poor, although we didn’t realize it and once a year we got RIF books.  The RIF (Reading is Fundamental) people came into our school library with boxes and boxes of books and we got to pick one  - a brand new book and take it home. It was ours to keep, for FREE!! We loved RIF books. 

My parents  always seemed to find money for book orders. You know, those little paper flyers kids bring home, every month? We couldn’t always buy every book we wanted, but we always got something, if we really wanted it.  Maybe that’s why I still send home those Scholastic book order forms, even if only one kid orders a book.

I have a poster in my room that says “Those who DO NOT read are no better off than those who CAN NOT read.”  I’m so, so thankful that my parents encouraged us to read. I can’t imagine my life without books. Books have taken me all over the world, allowed me to have grand adventures, and taken me beyond my circumstances. Books have taken me to every continent and nearly every country in the world.  I’ve traveled on planes, trains and automobiles, as well as hot air balloons, space shuttles and rocket ships. I’ve even visited other planets. I’ve eaten fabulous meals, and been starving.  I’ve lived in beautiful homes and in poor, desperate hovels.  I’ve been in love a million time and had my heart broken just as often. I’ve been in the tundra, in the desert, and just as quickly, in a rain forest.  I’ve been on the  the peak of Mt. Everest and explored  the barrenness of Antarctica – all while never leaving my home. 

Thomas Jefferson once said  “I cannot live without books.” It’s true about me – I absolutely cannot!!

The business cards I had made had this quote from Louisa May Alcott:  “She is too fond of books, and it has turned her brain.” 

Thank you, Mom and Daddy, for letting me become a reader!!


Hey, even my cat reads:

Bubba reading


Friday, October 12, 2012


“Sick and tired.”


“Worried sick.”

“That makes me sick.”

“Sick at heart.”


We use the word “sick” to mean lots of things.  At work, we have sick days, but we also have personal leave chargeable to sick leave.  When we sign into our program that records our absences, it’s actually called “personal illness.”  I’m using a sick day but there’s no personal illness. I don’t have a cold. I do have  a sore throat.  I don’t have the flu, but I do feel achy all over.    I also  have a hurting arm/shoulder/neck thing that required a muscle relaxer and a pain pill – which doesn’t lead to a clear head. (And I’ve had 3 weeks without good sleep, which is not conducive to being a good teacher.)  And I’m sick and tired. And I’m worried sick. And I’m sick at heart. And there are things that make me sick.  


A wise man once said “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.”  I’m wondering if my mental state is affecting my physical state.  We all know that the mind is a powerful thing, right?? Is my physical distress a  result of my mental distress?

I have a friend who is going through a difficult time – but she’d going through with grace and dignity. I have another friend who is taking care of a sick mother –it’s been a rough year and a half for her. She can’t even spell dignity, but she’s managing.  I know all these people who have much bigger issues than I do, but I’m feeling overwhelmed and wimpy and frustrated and nervous and powerless.  All together, it makes me feel sick!

But, in the same place I found that hope deferred makes the heart sick. I read this “A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance.”  And this: “All the days of the afflicted are evil, But he who is of a merry heart has a continual feast.” And best of all, this: A merry heart does good, like medicine.”

So right now, I’ll fall asleep, because of that pain pill. But later, I’ll put my arm in my stupid little sling, and head off to hang out with, bond with and worship with ladies from my church, (and several 1000 of our closest friends!) and trust that the medicine from the Great Physician can fix my “sick.”

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Caution–this post may contain descriptions of disturbing images!!! Read at your own risk!!

I have turned into a “house-dress” wearer. Is admitting you have a problem the first step to getting over a problem?? Oh wait, I don’t want to get over it.

I remember my daddy’s momma (we called her Grannie-Ma) wearing “housedresses.” They weren’t quite muumuus, but not something you’d wear OUT. They were sort of ugly and unfashionable and I used to think I’ll never wear those.  (She also ate those orange marshmallow circus peanuts. Gross!!)  I googled “house dress” images and got 961,000,000 results. Trust me, my Granniema’s didn’t look like any of these!!

housedress 1                    housedress 2



I have two. They are both from the same pattern, but one is a salmon color and one is a faded, blueish/purplish. The blue one also has a bleach spot on it.  I put one on every Saturday, unless I have to go somewhere. I think they may have been originally purchased by someone (NOT ME!) as a swimsuit cover up. They are too big, they’ve been washed 1000 times and I love them. 

Why a house dress?? Well, it’s kind of hard to explain. I need to wear something while I do laundry and clean. When I do laundry, I have to go outside and downstairs. I can’t  do that in my pajamas.  So I’ve gotta wear SOMETHING.  And I can’t wear any good stuff, I may need to wash it.

I don’t wear them out anywhere, except maybe the drive thru at Sonic or Hardees! Even then, I try to hide. This is not a good look for me! Unfortunately, I think it’s sort of necessary. I wonder what I’ll do next that I swore I’d never do.  Uh-oh, if anyone sees me eating circus peanuts, just hit me in the head!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Overwhelming, overflowing Thankfulness

overflowingEven though it’s not yet time for Thanksgiving, today I am overwhelmed by thankfulness.  I try to be thankful a lot, and not just in the month of November, but today, it’s not trouble at all!!As I sit here eating my slightly stale bowl of honey nut toasty O’s, I’m just full and running over!   I love, love, love how God gives us what we need!!

Tonight was our first night of AWANA. I love AWANA, I’ve been an AWANA leader for YEARS. I’m not officially in charge of AWANA at our church, everybody just assumes I am. I guess that means I really am, but sometimes I wish I wasn’t!  I have been teaching the Bible lesson for our TNT clubbers and doing Game Time for Sparks and for TNT. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed. All summer, I’ve been praying for a Game Director. I even found someone who I thought would be perfect. So I started praying specifically that God would make him want to be my Game Guy! I did give him fair warning, that I was praying that.

We also have been wanting a man for our TNT boys.  I really feel like it’s so important for little boys to have a good male role model at church for them to look up to. We had a guy, but his job has made it really difficult for him to be there. So I’ve been praying for a man. 

Tonight, God answered my prayers and gave us just what we needed.  I’m so, so thankful for our two new Jasons!! We have a Jason for our boys and a Jason for Game Time!! Isn’t that awesome??

I’m also constantly amazed and thankful for the other leaders we have. We have two secretaries who check our kids in every week, greet them and keep up with records for us. They do an amazing job!! Our little kids LOVE them and know exactly who to go see and what to do. They’ve trained our kids to check in. I decided (since I’m sort of in charge) we should have a snack tonight.I sent a few text messages and ended up with enough brownies for all our clubbers to have two and some of us got extras to bring home! Not only that, one more email got me tubs of Kool-Aid mix, our ladies mixed it up, poured, and served. All I did was drop off a pan of brownies and pick up a clean pan afterwards!! Well, after I ate a few!!

I really do love AWANA, but some days, I feel tired and grouchy and would rather stay home.  I don’t – I always go and I’m always glad I do.  Our kids always make me feel better and the people who come and work with those kids week after week constantly amazed.  I am truly grateful and my church is blessed and lucky to have such wonderful leaders in it!!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Bad luck with pointy fingers

Okay, I have this neat classroom tool I call my “pointy finger.”  It’s a finger pointer that I use with my document camera. I have big hands and sometimes when  I want to point something  out  to my students, my fingers and hands just get in the way.  So, several years ago I found a finger pointer.  The day we passed our media certification tests, my friend Robyn and I stopped at our local teacher store and I saw this tub of finger pointers. I like them, so she bought me a red one.  I used it  a LOT until one day, two years ago, an evil child in my class stole it!! He actually was playing with it in another teacher’s class and he made the student throw it away. The boy even tried to get it out of the trash and the teacher made him throw it away a second time. If he’d read  his email, he would have realized I was already looking for it and suspected THAT student had taken it. When the student was confronted, he said “it’s just a pointer.” That wasn’t the point.  That first one was red.

So, I was so bummed about my lost pointy finger that my sister brought me one that she had She didn’t use it much and I was being such a whiny baby, she brought me hers. I think she got it at the book fair.  This one was blue.  I can’t find it.  I have a vague recollection of putting it somewhere “safe” while I was out for a week last year for my gall bladder surgery, but I can’t find that safe place.

On Saturday, my other sister and I had lunch right down the road from the teacher store and my sister needed  a tree for her Sunday School bulletin board.  I got a new pointy finger. This time I got a green one.  So we get to her church and she’s working on her bulletin board. I pulled out the “read” poster and the pointy finger that my sister bought for me and put the trash in the bag from the teacher store and threw it away. 

I post something about my pointy finger and my friend Debbie asks what it is. I start looking for my pointer to take a picture of and show her. I can’t find it.  I’m looking all in my giant school bag (where I put the poster)  under the couch, inside the folders inside my giant school bag and I can’t find it anywhere. I’m beside myself at this point. I’m downstairs telling Robyn and Josh the sad tale of woe regarding the universe’s plot against me having a pointy finger and I remember bringing in my bag of library books from Robyn’s car.  I tear up the stairs and there it is, my lost and now found pointy finger. I don’t know why I have such a hard time keeping up with them. They only come in four colors and now I’ve had every color except yellow.  Really, it’s not that hard, is it??

finger pointers

Monday, August 27, 2012

I wanna go there!!!

I love the author Nora Roberts. I adore her writing style, her characters and the pictures she makes in my head. I also love that she writes books in a series, which makes me happy.  Her newest series is the Inn Boonsboro series, which includes the books “The Next Always,” “The Last Boyfriend” and coming in November “The Perfect Hope.” These books are all set in Boonsboro, Maryland and involve the renovation and creation of Inn Boonsboro. Here’s what I love about this series: each suite in the inn is named after famous couples in literature who lived happily ever after. There’s a Nick and Nora suite, Titania and Oberon,  Marguerite and Percy, Jane and Rochester. My own personal favorites – Elizabeth and Darcy, Eve and Roarke (from her own JD Robb novels) and  Westley and Buttercup!!

Here is the coolest thing ever! You CAN really go to the Inn. Nora Roberts and her husband really bought an old inn, redid it and fixed it just like the Montgomery brothers did in the books!! Each suite is designed specially to match it’s couple. Each suite also has it’s own amenities designed specially for it’s couple. Is that not the coolest thing EVER?? I want to go there. The hardest decision would be. . . which room would I want to stay in??


You can check it out here:

Just what I needed

For the last few days, the little inspirational devotion books I read  have been hitting me hard. They have addressed some needs in my life, they have picked at a few scabs where I am wounded and then smoothed a layer of Neosporin right over those sore spots and slapped a band aid on top! 

Last Thursday, two of my books referenced the same Scripture. Different books, different authors, different publishers.

Psalms 139:1-3 

O lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.

Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.

Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.

One of them went on to verse 6, but verse 4 seems to get me all the time:

For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether.

My mouth gets me in trouble quite frequently. . .


Today one devotion is titled “The New Normal.” It talks about one of the hardest things to get through in grieving some of life’s most difficult things is having to accept that what we have NOW, is the new NORMAL way of living for us.  My sister and I had almost this EXACT conversation the day we drove back from the Keys and our mom had just passed away. The whole world was going on just like always and our whole world was all of a sudden, off kilter. But Robyn (who is a hospice nurse and a gerontological nurse said “but this is going to be normal for us now.” Today would have been my parents 51st wedding anniversary – but we have a new normal now. 

Another one of my books says “I can brighten up the dullest of gray days. I can add sparkle to the routine of daily life.” Well, if you’ve looked outside where I live, it’s a pretty gray day. I don’t expect we’ll see the sun all day. But this unexpected school holiday is a chance to catch up on my laundry – one of the routines of daily life that I just HATE. I absolutely HATE laundry. Hate, hate, hate it!!! But, if I choose I can let God add sparkle to my gray day filled with laundry. 

My third little devotion is from my Women of Faith Infinite Grace book.  I just started re-reading this one and today my lesson was by Mary Graham and is called “Flooded with Grace.” it’s about a woman named Geraldine who used to live in New Orleans, but relocated to Texas after Hurricane Katrina.  Again, as I sit home from school today because of Tropical Storm Isaac, and listen to the rain fall, and remember concerns last night about rivers cresting,  I’m  overwhelmed  and feel a bit flooded myself. 

I know that God loves me. I know it in head as sure as I know my own name! But sometimes my heart forgets and needs a little more convincing.  I mean, why on earth does the One who can speak anything He wants to into existence even bother with me? But  then, something like this happens and I get it. If we were working today, I’d have stuck my 27 on my calendar and thought “Today would have been my parent’s anniversary” and then I’d have been so busy, it might never have crossed my mind again. But I’m not at school. I’m home – where I have much more time to think. And dwell. And brood.   So the One who loves me best gave me just what I needed – and He gave it to me through my books I’m reading. Does He know me or what?? 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

The End and a New Beginning

They’ve been friends for years.  Two of them met in middle school  and they connected with the other two in band camp before their freshman year of high school. They survived band camps, strange musical productions and  hours of bus rides.  They are “The Four Musketeers.”

I’m not good at many things (this has been reaffirmed to me this week!) but I am a good aunt. I work hard at being a good aunt. That means that I’ve sat thru lots of events I may not have wanted to, because of my niece and  nephews.  One of the things I’ve been around for years was Band. Both my nephews were in the band and Josh  met Cameron in middle school band.  They clumped up with Derrick and Zach in high school.  There were lots of times when the four of them ended up at downstairs at my sister’s house, or in the car, or at dinner. . .  There were times I felt like I had four nephews in the Band instead of just one! 

As they graduated and went to college or to work, I wondered if they’d still stay friends or drift apart. For a while, Zach drifted away, but he’s come back around again.

Last weekend, the four of them spent the weekend together, in Georgia.  It was sort of like their last hurrah. Cameron will never be just “theirs'” again. 

Last night Josh came home and said Cameron was spending the night here. Alli had decided she was staying in their apartment with her girls and he had to get out. So, 3 of the 4 played video games and stayed here last night. Another, one last time.

Today, Cameron got married. It  was a lovely wedding. As Alli’s dad walked her down the aisle, the four of them, along with Cameron’s other friend, played the Bridal Chorus on their instruments. It was incredibly touching. 

Through the years, there’s been lots of pictures.  Sometimes, all four of them, sometimes two, sometimes three. Others have wandered in and out.   Birthdays, prom, band concerts, just fooling around. 

I just had to have one more today!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Why I LOVE the Olympics

I absolutely ADORE the Olympics. If school is in session while the Olympic Games are going on, I always have my students watch as an assignment.  Except for 2004, when we had no electricity thanks to Hurricane Charley, my family watched the Opening Ceremonies right on to the end, as much as we can.  My Aunt Mary Ellen taped the Opening Ceremonies for me and we watched them later!! My nephews learned in 4th grade that to write an essay, you have an introduction, three points and a conclusion. So, here are my three reasons why I love the Olympics.

First, the Olympics make me proud to be an American.  I don’t care if we win or lose (that’s a lie- I always want us to win!)  but I love it when people represent us well.  When we do win, there’s NOTHING like seeing our flag rise up (higher than the rest) and hearing our National Anthem.  It just gives me chills.  I love it when the athletes sing.  (Note to US Olympic Committee – before you give athletes their pass and their credentials, make sure they can sing the words to the National Anthem PROPERLY! That’s a pet peeve of mine!)

Next, I admire athletic ability. I have NONE, but I do appreciate the skills that I see.  I have the utmost respect for athletes who come knowing that they most likely won’t come close to winning a medal, but they come to represent their country anyway. I love good sportsmanship and  I admire the hours and hours of sacrifice spent in training.  Even though I can’t play anything, I can appreciate the heartbreak of defeat or the heart-pounding thrill of victory. I love that we all get to share in that!   I love the stories that they share with us, and I’m not ashamed to admit, sometimes I cry!

Last, (see, I used transitional words!) I love that our country truly is a melting pot, salad bowl, whatever you want to call it. So many countries have people who all look the same and their names all sound the same. We don’t!  When you look at our athletes, we’ve got some of everything. We’ve got blondes, brunettes, redheads! We’ve got names that are very “American" sounding, and some names that could be from any other country in the world.  What a country!!

The Olympics! Just the sound of it makes me smile. Even though the Games only started on Friday, I’m thoroughly enjoying them. I’m hoping for that one moment that will stay in my mind forever, like Mary Lou Retton's perfect 10 vault, and Kerry Strug's crumbling to the the floor, and then vaulting AGAIN! These are the moments that we love.  Don’t' you love the Olympics??

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Do you know. . .

Do you know the difference in these two words: Muscogee and Miccosukee?   HMMMM, do you??

Do you know what a chickee is?

Have you ever heard of the Ahfachkee School?

What about the Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum? 


If you were with me this week, you would have heard these words  a LOT.  I am attending a workshop this week called “Tribal Traditions in the Modern World: The Seminole Tribe, Their Voices and Their Stories.”  Quite a mouthful isn’t it? I was lucky enough to be selected (with 37 other Florida teachers) by the Florida Humanities Council to get to be here, learning about the Seminole Tribe of Florida.  I also got to come with my friends Joan Turner and Ann Stemmerman, which makes it even more fun.  We are spending the week at the Clewiston Inn, a historic inn built in 1938, in the small town of Clewiston. I have an advantage over Turner and Stemmerman, as I was lucky enough (!!) to get to live here in “America’s Sweetest Town” for my last two years of high school.  We’ll save more of that story for another day!

After a day and a half of intensive learning, I’ll just say this:  most of what I thought I knew about the Seminole Tribe of Florida is a bunch of  hooey.  (Yes, hooey is a technical term!)  I must admit, I’ve already had some stereotypical ideas in my own head revised – and we’re not even done  yet. 

I’ll share more about what I’ve learned but I will say this: the word “resilient” keeps coming to mind, over and over again.  I’ll also say this which sounds a bit officious – I’m seeing  a remarkable juxtaposition of modern and traditional.   And just when I think I’ve just seen the most amazing thing – something else comes up.  I’m tired, very tired already, but I’m fascinated with what’s coming tomorrow!!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

What have you been doing this summer?

Today I spent most of the day with my niece. I absolutely ADORE being an aunt, and she is truly one of the delights of my life.  She and my sister lived with me for a time and then moved about two blocks away, so we were close for a long time. Now, they’ve moved farther away, my sister has remarried, and my niece is in middle school so I don’t see her as much – and I miss her.  So, today, we just had time together. 

We started at Sonic and Dunkin Donuts. The girl LOVES donuts.  Then we decided to explore Hobby Lobby, as she’s never been there. We wandered around the entire store – and spent $10.0o.   On the way to Lakeland she said “So, Aunt Sandi what have you been doing this summer?” I had to think about it.  The summer is mostly over, and what exactly have I done this summer? 

I have spent a lot of time reading books and resting.  That sounds very lazy and I don’t mean for it too. My friend reminded me of something and I think it’s true.  Last summer I was sick – I had a wonky gall bladder and it took all summer to get it diagnosed. Every time I ate anything, I felt sick for a certain amount of time afterwards. Every meal, all summer.  Actually, it started in April. I was fine, except for about 90 minutes after each meal – but that wears on a person.  I finally had my gall bladder out in September, but went back to work too early, which caused me to have to miss more time later. 

Last year teaching was one of the worst I’ve ever had.  For many reasons, which are too many to go into hear, I did NOT have a good year.  There were moments of goodness, but as a whole, the 2011-2012 school year does NOT go on my good list.   I k now every job has stress and it’s all different, but politics is making our job harder and harder to do all the time.  Additionally, everybody (and their brother) feels like our job is easy and has an opinion on how we need to do it.  Those same people have no filter when it comes to sharing those opinions with us, and everybody else in the entire world.  All that adds up. 

I take a “happy nappy” every Sunday and on Saturdays if I can get it.  When summer begins, I take naps daily (if I can!)  Usually, about the middle of July, I can’t take a nap any longer during the week.  I just don’t seem to be able to sleep any more. I think by that time, I’ve caught up and  finally feel rested. I’m not there yet – I’m still taking naps every chance I get. I think last school year had quite an emotional toll on me. 

Unless one is a teacher, it’s very difficult to imagine the stress of our job. The constant responsibility and the new things that are added daily and that all need to be done RIGHT NOW just drains a person.  It’s not even lie we can just go home and leave it. It’s always there. 

So, this summer, I’ve read lots of books, and taken lots of naps. I’ve also been lucky enough to spend time with my family and with my friends.  I’m thoroughly enjoying myself, even though there ‘s not much to show for what I’ve done. 

I hope that you have time to rest, relax and enjoy your family and friends. In the long run, isn’t that what is most important anyway?  And a good happy nappy  is always a good thing too!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

236 years later. . .

This is 2012.  1776 was 236 years ago. I’m not getting into the whole “signed versus approved, ratified” mess. I’m going with this  - the birthday of our country is celebrated as July 4, 1776. . . So that makes today our 236th birthday. 

I wonder if our Founding Fathers (and Mothers) would even recognize the country we have today, with what they invented.  I’m not sure they would have. They had their own set of issues – I get that.  I am just fascinated with how they created something that could stretch, change and adjust as times changed. They were brilliant – simply brilliant.

There are some things we think we all know.  We “know” that John Hancock wrote his name really big so that “King George could read it without his spectacles.”  We know that Thomas Jefferson wrote most of the text, there’s all sorts of stories. It was hot, they wrote it in secret. If I had a time machine, that’s one place I”d love to visit. 

Every time I read the Declaration of Independence I’m caught by these words:

“we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

I think they knew what was going to happen – when they signed it, they were really willing to  risk it all.  What happened to that? I think now, most people in our country are so concerned about ME that we don’t’ think about US anymore. 

I’m glad those 56 men were willing to sacrifice their lives, their fortunes and their  sacred honors. I hope if I’m ever faced with such a decision, I’ll be willing to do that.  I’m very proud and feel very blessed to be an American.  Someone once said “right or wrong, my country is still my country.”  I feel that way -  and hope I always do. 

I’m not sure we feel that same sort of attachment and willingness to devote ourselves to anything. There are a group of people who pledge their lives – we do have the largest volunteer military in the world.   They are willing to sacrifice their lives – and they are MUCH underappreciated and underpaid. They  are underpaid, mistreated and have to fight for the benefits that we OWE them. . but that’s another story. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

My NOT Favorite things about our vacation

So last night I wrote about my favorite things about our vacation. Tonight, these are my NOT SO FAVORITE things.

5) Tropical storms that stir up the water. . .

4) Forgetting I was standing on a wall about 2 feet wide and stepping backwards to avoid a wave, and almost falling on my behind.  Instead I just blew out my flip flop and and banged up my foot.

3) Chaffing from a wet bathing suit. Enough said.

2) Packing up and driving home. Why do we take home more stuff than we came with???

1) My momma not being with us! Or my nephews. That would have made it PERFECT. 

Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Keys

Most of my family just got back from a week in the Florida Keys.  My sister Patti and I haven’t been back since our mom passed away at Fisherman’s Hospital on Marathon in 2001. My sister Robyn and my dad have been back a couple of times, but we’ve not been all together. Robyn turned 50 this year and she really, really wanted us to go all together. We had a WONDERFUL time! I’ll probably have another blog later, but here’s a little taste. Here’s a list of my  seven most favorite things about our week.

7.  Stopping today on the way home to see my Granny and my Aunt Cecelia. My granny will be 92 in September – I’m not sure she knew who we were, but she got out of bed and walked to her chair to sit with us!! My aunt  has 4 broken ribs – but still is taking care of my granny, and she gave us boiled peanuts!

6.  Watching the sun set over the Gulf. I love how the sun just melts into the water. . .

5.  Showing my niece Key Deer –f or the first time. I remember one time when we went to the Keys before, my Uncle Wayne and my Aunt Cecelia showed us Key Deer. It was quite an experience doing that with my niece.

4.  Attending Calvary Baptist Church.  This is the church my family visited on Sunday before my mom had her heart attack on Monday. Several people from that church visited us and asked us could they do anything for us. I’ll never forget that – EVER.

3.  Hearing my daddy sing in the shower.  He always sings – and it makes us laugh.  It always has. 

2.  Hearing my niece sing in the shower – and everywhere else.

And my most favorite thing of this whole week: 

1.  My daddy saying “It’s been a good day” and “It’s been a great week.”

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ridiculous Things

Okay, I just had to comment on two absolutely ridiculous things that have appeared in my life lately.  Just absolutely silly things.

1. I had to buy a  new curling iron a few weeks ago. I use two – a skinny one for the short hair underneath, and one with a fatter barrel for the outside layers of my hair. My fat one died and I had to buy a new one. I go to Wal-Mart, yes, Wal-Mart, thinking I’ll get the best price. They didn’t have one the same size as my old one, which just irritated me beyond belief. And call me crazy, but I am not spending $29.99 on a CURLING IRON.  So I found the closest one. It looks something like this:



Here’s the ridiculous part. It has 25 heat settings. Is that not crazy?? I need HOT and OFF. That’s all. Does anybody really need 25 heat settings??  And it has a TURBO setting – it gets hot in 30 seconds.  Do I really need it hot in 30 seconds?? NO.  I just wanted an off/off switch - not 25 settings.


2. Here’s the second new ridiculous thing. I buy toilet paper in big packages. I don’t want to run out – I’ve blogged about that before. My last package of toilet paper came with a free. . . wait for it. . .  Toilet Paper Cover, designed by some artist.  Really?? Don’t we all know or at least HOPE that a bathroom with have toilet paper in it? We have to hide it? Really, if I’m ever at your house and I have to use the restroom, and I use the last of the toilet paper, I don’t want to have to hunt for a new roll. I WANT to be able to find it. I don’t want to leave an empty roll on the toilet paper holder and I don’t want to have to dig around for a new one. I want it to be obvious.

Is it just me or are both of those just crazy??

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day, 2001

I know – it’s not Christmas. But for my family, Memorial Day and this song both mean something different.

My mom loved music. I think she was tone deaf, but she loved music. She  tried so hard to make us all musical – Robyn plays piano, Patti sings. I play the radio. I love music, but have no talent for it.   It was important for us to have lots of music at her funeral.  We all needed something different. Coach Stacy who sang at my parents wedding, sang at my Mom’s funeral. Daddy needed that. Our dear friend Mrs. Rita sang – Momma wanted that.  Our friends Kerry and Laquita sang – we needed that.   Our Mom loved the Hallelujah Chorus. She told us for YEARS that she wanted it played at her funeral.   I almost wonder sometimes if she knew she would be leaving us early. . . she gave us very clear instructions on what she wanted!  So at the very end, we played the Hallelujah Chorus – actually, my CD is the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, just as this video is! I’m not sure why she loved it so much, although it is moving and wonderful. I love all the different parts, where each group is singing something completely different. I love that big pause at the end.  But now, every time I hear it, it hurts a little.  Not as much as it used to, but there is still a twinge! 

This summer, my family and I are going back to the Keys. For some of us, it’s the first time we’ve been back. I have mixed feelings – I’m very excited, but I’m nervous too. . . It will be bittersweet – going to a place she absolutely loved, but without her.   

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 23, 2001 (11 Years Ago Today, part 3)

So today, 11 years ago. We – Daddy, Robyn, Patti and I had to meet with the doctor and tell him to unplug the machines. I have to say,  we had no issues with what we told him. We didn’t like it, but we have NO guilt  or no regret for that. It wasn’t what we wanted, but we KNEW it was what she wanted. 

We were in the hospital waiting for the doctor, looked down the hallway and saw a wonderful sight. We saw some dear, dear friends coming down the hallway. Frank and Rita Newberry and Jim Elliott,  who had been friends with my parents since 1970, had driven all the way to the Keys to be with us.  It was unbelievable. My sisters and I were worried about our Daddy. We had each other, but he didn’t have anyone – but they showed up! We stood in a circle around Momma’s bed, we prayed, and walked out. The doctor came in, did his thing and in just a few minutes he told us she was gone. 

We went back to the rental house, and packed up to go home. Mrs. Rita is a cleaning machine, and she started cleaning and packing. It wasn’t much longer than an hour or two and we were on the way home. It was a LONG drive home. I rode with Robyn and her boys and Patti rode with Daddy.  Robyn and I would pop up with random things, we’d cry a little, then keep on.  Robyn said “You know we’re gonna have to play that song.” I said “ I know.”  My mom had told us for YEARS  she wanted the “Hallelujah Chorus” played at her funeral.

As we rode home the strangest thing was – the world just kept on spinning. Kids were going home from school, getting off the bus, and everybody else just went on like normal. Our world was completely off-kilter and everybody else was just having another day. That was the hardest thing to get.

I’ve written before about how much I love Steven Curtis Chapman – here is one reason why.  The only thing I could think of was a song of his.  The chorus goes like this:

“We can cry with hope
We can say goodbye with hope
'Cause we know our goodbye is not the end, oh no
And we can grieve with hope
'Cause we believe with hope
(There's a place by God's grace)
There's a place where we'll see your face again
We'll see your face again”

The second verse says:

“And never have I known
Anything so hard to understand
And never have I questioned more
The wisdom of God's plan
But through the cloud of tears
I see the Father's smile and say well done”

You can read the rest of the lyrics here:

(and you can hear part of the song. I love him – you can buy it on iTunes!)

Another Bible verse kept popping into my head – “. . . that you sorrow NOT, as those who have NO HOPE. . .” 

I know as much as anyone can know about someone else, that my mom is with Jesus.  I don’t know why He needed her more than I do, but I have to trust that His ways are higher than my ways and that He works everything for our good.

So today, 11 years later, I cry with hope.  I ache with hope ‘cause I KNOW our goodbye was not the end. Oh no! We said goodbye with hope, knowing we’ll see her face again!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

11 Years Ago Today (part 2)

May 22, 2001.

I don’t remember much about today. I just talked to my sister Robyn and she remember my Granny, and my aunts (my mom’s sisters)  driving down and eating with them.  I have no recollection of that. I do know that my granny was in a bad place – her youngest child had just passed away not long before my mom. Robyn remembers Granny saying “ I can’t go through this again, I just can’t.” But she did – although it was hard. She’s buried two of her children – doesn’t seem quite right does it??

I remember four specific things about today.

First, I called my friend Mrs. Smith early in the morning and explained why I wouldn’t be at school that day. I started rambling off all the things that weren’t done in my class room and she said “I’ll take care of it” and she did. I didn’t do one more thing in my room or with my report cards or anything. She took care of it.  Later, she took care of me, but today, she took care of all my stuff.

Second, they were painting a mural on an outside wall of that small hospital in Marathon. I watched the painter paint. I know it was an underwater scene but I can’t tell you anything else about it.  It seemed like it was taking forever!

My sister Robyn is a nurse and the third thing had to do with her.  She had to give our Mom CPR on the beach.  Someone came up and told her they had called 911 and helped her with chest compressions, but afterwards, nobody else saw or could remember that person. Kind of strange, huh??  I watched her switch between being a daughter and being a nurse. She would come in and check Mom’s chart like a nurse. Then, she’d go out into the hallway and cry. She flip-flopped back and forth the whole day.

The last thing I remember may be the sweetest, but to non-church people, it will seem strange.  My family had gone to a church in Marathon on Sunday and filled out visitor cards. They had marked “just visiting” and yes, we have a home church.  Tuesday night, two ladies from that church came to the hospital. I think only Patti and Robyn and I were there. They said “Is there anything we can do for you?” We have yet to figure out how they knew what happened, how they connected the story they’d heard to the people who had visited on Sunday, or how they matched that to us. . No idea.  It was the nicest thing I’d ever heard of.  They have no idea how much that meant. I hope I can do that for someone else one day!

I don’t remember sleeping.  Isn’t that strange? I can’t remember eating.  I know that I did sometime, but I can’t remember it. I know one time they sent me back to the house to go to sleep and I swam laps in the pool. It was gray outside and I just swam back and forth and back and forth. Maybe it was nighttime – I just can’t remember.

Monday, May 21, 2012

11 Years Ago Today

Eleven years ago today was a post-planning day.  May 21, 2001 we were done with students and we were cleaning up our rooms and finishing up.  Our whole family, except Patti and I,  were all in the Keys on vacation.  We couldn’t go because we weren’t done with school yet.  Funny how things change.  I was at my mom and dad’s house with Patti and Makiah, getting ready for dinner and the phone rang.  We had no idea how that phone call would change our lives.

Mom, Daddy, Robyn and her boys had left for the Keys on Saturday. Momma was SO excited – she was packed early. On Sunday night, they all watched Touched by an Angel and Mom made a comment about how she hoped when it was her time to go, she hoped the angel Andrew came from her. 



On Monday, while we were at work, they all went to Bahia Honda.  Bahia Honda is a state park and several years ago, it was named one of the most beautiful beaches in the United States.  Mom had had her first massage a week earlier and when the masseuse told her to think of the perfect place, she thought of Bahia Honda.

BH 1


They all floated through that gap in the bridge and came out on the other side. Mom couldn't catch her breath – Ken carried her out of the water.


The phone rings, Patti answers and immediately falls apart. I get on the phone and hear – “You’re mom had an accident.  You need to get here.” 

Daddy has a friend named Dave Norris who has his own plane and his pilots license. We were told he would meet us at our tiny airport in a hour.  We grabbed some stuff and left.

I’d never flown in that small plane – and hope to never again. There was lightning, he had to keep changing direction to avoid the lightening.  But where I was sitting, I could see the little gauge that shows lightening strikes – it wasn’t pleasant.  It seemed forever and it seemed no time at all.  I prayed and prayed – and finally understood Romans 8:26  

Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

Read it this way:

He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans.

I was doing a  LOT of wordless sighs and aching groans.

We landed in Marathon – the airport is tinier than ours. It was after midnight – there was nobody there but our daddy. He picked up us, took Dave Norris to the house  they had rented and left him and took Patti and I to the hospital, where we saw our Mom lying there, unresponsive. We were told she'd had a heart attack and the doctor had put her on life support.  

I had no idea how that day would end when I woke up that morning.  May 21, 2001– the worst day I’d ever had in my life. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Just do the RIGHT Thing!!!

Why can’t everyone just do the right thing??   I have no patience for people who sneak and manipulate for their own agenda instead of just doing what is right!!  Maybe I just expect too much. I try very hard to do the right thing all the time. I know that I don’t, but I TRY.   I know it makes me a goody two-shoes, but if I have the chance to do the right thing or the wrong thing, I do the right thing.

When those decisions are big things, that affect other people, I try even harder to do what’s right, regardless of how it affects me!  So why doesn’t everyone else? 


I’ve had this situation lately where some people chose unwisely – and it is affecting a LOT of people. They’ve had multiple opportunities to attempt to try and fix it or at least try and make it better. And they won’t! It makes me furious, but more than that, it hurts my feelings.  I trust other people to have the same attitude I do and to do what’s right – but they don’t always.  I know this, but I still get offended and hurt. I keep seeing that commercial where one person sees another do one extra good thing, and then that person does the right thing and another and another. The commercial actually says something about all of us doing the right thing. 

Just do the right thing!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I ♥ Steven Curtis Chapman

Okay, anyone who knows me knows I am not fond of change – and that’s an understatement, like saying Santa could stand to lose a few pounds.  I park in the same parking space all the time, sit in the same seat at lunch, and don’t like to change. But when it came to Steven Curtis Chapman, I had to give change a try.

I love, Love, LOVE Steven Curtis Chapman. If you don’t know who he is, I’m so sorry!! He is a Christian singer, an incredibly prolific writer and an amazing musician. I think he can play anything! I wrote a blog sometime before how I think being his guitar tuner would be the coolest job in the world! (BTW, my radio station – The Joy FM had a contest where somebody actually got to do that!! I think they got the idea from me!!) According to Wikipedia, he has 5 Grammies, and 56 Dove Awards, which is Christian Music’s version of an Grammy. He has sold more than 10 million albums and has 8 certified Gold or Platinum albums. I’m not the only one who loves him.  I may have to do a whole other blog post about how much I love SCC. Just for a taste – I have 6.5 HOURS of his music on my mp3 player – and that’s not even all my music that’s his – it’s just my favorites. I think I counted 8 CDs on my shelf and that’s just one shelf.

Anyway, there was a horrible tragedy in his family several years ago. I prayed so hard for them because I was so afraid that all that he has stood for all these years would just crumble and fall apart.  But they didn’t!! God gave them the courage and strength to get through – and he and his family are not the least bit ashamed to say that.  I saw him about 15 months after the accident and he’d aged – he never had before. But they made it through. I don’t think for one second it’s been easy  or that they’ve magically arrived, but they survived – and their faith seems to be intact! He can still sing.

Anyway, he has a new album called “re-creation.”  It has several new songs, but a chunk of the songs on the album are “re-created” songs he’s done before. He redid this for this album.  Well of course this freaked me out!! I don’t like things different. Some of the redone songs are some of my favorites and how dare he change them?? I like them fine just the way they are!  

I bought it today and I gotta tell you – it’s fabulous. I feel like an idiot for even questioning. Not that my questions changed anything – they are his songs and he can do with them what he wants to, but they are wonderful. I don’t know if KNOWING that he’s gone through the valley and come out makes them sound different. Maybe it’s knowing his heart is different and he’s singing them from a different place. His child died – and he still sings about how the love of God leaves him speechless. He’s astonished and amazed by the wondrous grace of our God. . . 

I’m speechless. And astonished and amazed.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dear Channel 8,

Steve Jerve will ALWAYS be my favorite weatherman in the whole wide world, but I must say, I lost a little respect for Channel 8 this past weekend. Your post about a teacher being arrested for DUI was unnecessary, hurtful and I think just flat out mean.  What she did was wrong, but I'm sure she is not the only person arrested for DUI this entire weekend. You singled her out by her profession.  There should be some sort of name for that -- it's not racial profiling, it's not sexism or ageism, but it is still a sort of prejudice!  I tried to just let it go, but the more I thought about it, the more upset I felt. Shame on you!

Now, the chances of someone from Channel 8 reading this are slim and none, but it made me feel better to say it.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A priceless plastic bottle. . .

I got a special bottle tonight. At first glance, it’s just a plain old plastic bottle, but it’s what you can’t see that makes it so special. 


Tonight at church, one of my sweet little girl showed me a bottle of water she’d brought from home.  She had it in her Easter basket and she had another half full one.  She said ‘Look at what I brought!” I thought she just brought it to drink later. I could tell it had some  sort of  flavor added to it, so we talked about the color and the taste. She told me it was mango pineapple. I talked about not liking mangoes, but I smelled it and looked at it. 

Later,  she asked me if I minded if she drank it, since I didn’t want it.  I realized( like a big dummy!) that  she brought that bottle FOR ME!  She even asked her mom for a permanent marker to put  an “S” on the top for Sandi. She put an “A” on hers for Alyssa. 


I was blown away! That was the sweetest thing!  I felt terrible that I didn’t realize it earlier and hurt her feelings.  Of course, I apologized profusely and told her how sorry I was and what a big dork I was for not getting it earlier.    I shared half of my bottle with her and we drank it together.  It was really good!  What she didn’t realize was this – since she brought it just for me, I’d have drank it if it was boiled beef bones!  Even if I HATED it, I’d have chugged it down, for her! Luckily, that wasn’t the case!

They say every seven years your tastes change. I have never cared for mangoes, but I realized after I thought about it, that I ate mango lime pie from Publix, and I’ve eaten mango candy lately.  Maybe it’s true your tastes change. Or maybe the sweetness of that darling little girl is what helped make it taste so good!

Thank you Alyssa for being such a sweetie! Thank you for thinking of me!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

I wish I were more ADVENTUROUS

I’m not a brave person. I realized this week that I have friends who are MUCH braver than I am. I wonder if I choose them on purpose to help me be more brave! That’s sort of an aside thought and not really the point of this post, but it’s sort of related.

Here’s the point – I watch Food Network A LOT! I love Iron Chef America, the Worst Cooks in America, all that stuff.  I’m fascinated when they use spices and things I’ve never heard of. I  like to cook, sometimes, even though I don’t do it much.  I’ve been showing my students some videos that show how people eat in other parts of the world and in several of them, the people got to the market.  Lots of places,  it seems, still have spice markets where people go and purchase the spices they need.  Here’s a great picture that I got from Wikipedia that seems to show up often in these videos:


I wish I were brave enough to try some things I’ve never heard of. I use garlic and celery salt and I have several bottles of spice blends but I’m still kind of wimpy when it comes to spices. 

Oh wait, it’s not just spices. I’m a creature of habit – most of the time I get the same thing all the time when I go out to eat.  For example, if I go to the Outback, I get Alice Springs Chicken with no mushrooms.  At Carrabbas, I get the Chicken Trio. Even at McDonalds, I always get a Quarter Pounder, ketchup only. I should be brave and just try something different. Why don’t I??

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I don’t like vampires

So I know I’m in the minority here, but I don’t like vampires. I don’t like the idea of vampires and I don’t like vampire stories.  I got scared YEARS ago when I read Salem’s Lot by Stephen King.  I was in college and I slept with the light on for weeks. 

Now, vampires are HOT in literature. With the success of the Twilight books and the Sookie Stackhouse books , I may be one of the few people who doesn’t like them. I read two of the 4 Twilight books – and couldn’t read anymore. I can’t stand Bella – she is the antitheses of  what I like a book heroine to be. I think Edward should have let the bad vampires get her in the first book and then it would be over.

And as for Sookie Stackhouse, I’ve read one before and I’m trying again, but I’m not enjoying it. I’m reading it because I’m mostly done, but I’m not loving it. I know that they are successful – they made a series on HBO from these books, but I don’t care.

Oh wait, I do like the movie “The Lost Boys.” My friend Kevin and I have watched it 100 times (okay, maybe not really) but we have watched it a lot. I remember one time we scared ourselves to death. It was cold and rainy and we were sitting on our couch at opposite ends.  Right about the time the vampire comes down the chimney, a whoosh of air came down our fireplace.  We both screamed and ended up in the middle of the couch, clutching at each other. Ah, good times, good times.  But other than that, I don’t like vampires.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Random Thoughts from My Head Today

So here’s what’s going on in my head tonight. I’ve gotta warn you, it’s a scary place in there right now.

1) I hate the “F” word! I think there is absolutely no use for that word. I also think that the day someone tells me that I just have to “accept” that word directed at me, I may have to find a new job.  I tell my children – “Using curse words in the sign of a small vocabulary – and a small mind.”  I hate curse words!

2) Pepperidge Farms Gingermen don’t taste  QUITE as good in February as they do in December.

3) Italian Wedding Soup is fabulous, I love it and I wish I could make it!

4) Conversation heart candies taste terrible.

5) I like writing my blog, even if nobody reads it! It makes me feel better.

6) I do NOT like my timeline thingy on Facebook.

7) I don’t know how to pronounce this word – “MANDALA” and every place I try and listen at it says it slightly differently. Two places say it “mun-dula” but some say “man-DA-LA.”  

8) I love reading children’s books and nothing makes me happier than a good book to read.

9) I keep forgetting to get the back windshield wiper on my car replaced – until I need it! Then, it’s too late!

See, completely random, completely strange, but that’s how my brain is working today!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Sunday Letter for Madi

My friend Jennifer  blogs about her life and she does it more regularly than I do.  You can fin her blog here:

I probably shouldn’t link to it, because she writes so well, I’m kind of embarrassed.  She cooks and posts recipes and all the clever, creative stuff she does –and I just rant and rave like a lunatic. Oh well, I guess it takes all kinds, right?? Anyway, she writes Sunday Letters for her children and her husband. Her daughter Madi, is one of my Junior Church kiddos and she just blesses my heart. So, I’m stealing from Jennifer and writing my own letter for Madi.

Miss Madi,

I love getting the chance to watch you grow up!  You make me smile every Sunday morning when I go into my Sunday School class and you and Trevor are waiting for or eating your donuts!  I love how you like us to give you math problems to do, even though I hate  math. I like watching you figure it out and the look on your face when you get it!!  I love the look on your face when you run into the building for Junior Church.  I love, Love, LOVE listening to you read Bible verses during our lesson. I am fascinated by the look on your face when we do something crafty, and you are concentrating so hard, trying so hard to follow directions. 

Today, you did something really special.  As you know, we’re doing our JeDi lessons – which do not have to do with Star Wars, but are teaching us to be better disciples of Jesus.  Our No-Duh videos seem to always make you laugh!   Our first lesson was on reading our Bible, and when you brought me that list of all the verses you read, I thought my heart would burst. I know that your Papa was so proud of you too!!

So, I brought you a little treat today – a  plastic Yoda cup filled with treats. You so sweetly asked – “Can I give this cup to Trevor?”   I was so proud of you, and I know your family is too!! I think you share a trait with your Grammy – you think of others all the time. She has an amazing gift for that – and I think you do too!  I’m so proud of you and what a sweet girl you are, I can only imagine how proud your family is!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Stolen but Good “ In What Other Profession?”

I got this in an email from a friend – I am certainly NOT the author. I wanted to post it, because I think it’s so good.  I’m not sure how to credit it and don’t want to be a thief. . .

So, here’s my best guess how to do it!

I think anyone who has ANY stake in education at all (and don’t we all???) needs to read this and get everyone else they  know to read it.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Lazy Saturday Afternoon with my Best Girl

So today was a completely lazy day. I had a Ladies Meeting to go to this morning and I really, really didn’t want to go. But God knows what’s best for me and it was EXACTLY what I  needed. I knew I’d enjoy it once I got there, and I did. The devotion and the skit were just for me and I got to ask some questions of a really wise friend and spent some time with my best friend.

On the way home, I spent a little time in Target (it was right on the way) looking for some Valentine stuff for my sister.

Then, I got a phone call. My favorite 13 year old in the whole wide world wanted to come to my house. My sister and her husband had gone to my dad’s house to pick some stuff up and after 11:45 when my niece woke up and had done her stuff at home, she needed some company.  So I picked her up.

She bounced out to my car in her flip flops, her flippy little skirt and her dance studio shirt. She jumped in my car and we came home.  And then, we did nothing.

I sat in my chair, read emails, poked around on Pinterest and took care of my city and my castle in the stupid games I play. She laid on, sat on, and rolled around on the couch, with the TV remote firmly in hand. While I dozed in my chair, she moved between Nickelodeon and the Disney Channel. She watched episodes of Jessie, Victorious, and iCarly.  I took a nap. She ate. Wow, can that kid eat! Most of a box of Cheez-Its, cookies and milk, and then chicken nuggets and tater tots. We took a break for strawberry limeades from Sonic and came back home to more TV. 

In between episodes, I washed dishes, cleaned up my kitchen and put away some stuff.  Then, we talked. We discussed an issue at school, 8th graders with tattoos and the the boy she likes.  In between all of it, she sang. She sang along with the shows when they came on, she sang with the commercials, she sang random songs.  She is such a neat kid.

During one show for no apparent reason, she said “I love you, Aunt Sandi.”  Another time she said “You’re the best Aunt Sandi and not just because you let me eat junk food.”

For a while, she and my sister lived with  me. I saw her every day. Then, they moved two blocks over. I still saw her nearly every day. I feel like there’s so much that goes on in her life now that I don’t know about – and I hate it!!!!  I know that it will just get worse the older she gets. So today, I passed her the remote control, watched her roll around on the couch,  listened to her sing and just tucked it away inside. 


Friday, January 20, 2012

Lucky, No, Blessed!!

My family has spent more time in the hospital in the last 5 months than we have in years. It’s strange – we’ve been medically blessed.

I had hepatitis in the 7th grade – spent 3 days in the hospital while they figured out which kind I had.  When they discovered it wasn’t the bad kind, they sent me home.

My sisters had three babies between the two of them – 2 C-sections and one regular delivery. Except for my niece being 7 weeks early, and Josh being a little jaundiced, our babies were perfectly healthy, which is a blessing. They’ve never even broken anything, except Josh broke his arm. 

We spent 3 days at the hospital in Marathon, waiting, after my mom had her heart attack. That wasn’t pleasant.

At the end of September, I had my gall bladder removed. I got there at 6:30 and was home by noon.  While my daddy was taking care of me, he had a little episode and spent 3 days in the ICU ward.

This week, my sister had a hysterectomy. We were at the hospital by 8, she was in a room by 3:30 and was home before noon the next day. While I was sitting there waiting for her, I thought once or twice to myself how lucky we’ve been! I know people who’ve spent hours and hours and days and weeks in hospitals! While we were waiting for my sister to be discharged, we started discussing our family’s medical history.

Basically, we agreed on these things:

1. We’ve had good hospital experiences. Everyone during Robyn’s surgery and my surgery and my dad’s ICU visit was remarkably kind and knowledgeable.  I did have a phone conversation with my dad’s nurse that wasn’t exactly pleasant, but other than that, everything’s been wonderful.

2. God has blessed us to be remarkably hospital visit free --- and what a blessing that is!! We are very grateful for that!!

3. We know we have been blessed – this is not something that we take lightly. Many families we know have had many, many more hospital and doctor visits than we have – and I don’t know how they do it. I was so impatient waiting the other day – and there is lots of waiting at the hospital. ( I think that’s another story right there!)


We are blessed.