However, I don’t love EVERTHING about college football. There are some things that just annoy me. And since this is my blog and about 5 people read it, I can do what I want. Here they are: a few things about college football that annoy me!.
1. Obviously, I don’t like it when my team loses. I am NOT a good loser. And honestly, I’m a little bit spoiled. Being a FSU fan has been pretty easy for a while. Although some wins haven’t been pretty, there has been a lot of them. It’s easy to get used to your team winning more than they lose. I have a lot of respect for those who stand by their team after year after year after year of losing seasons. I just don’t want to be one of those people.
2. I really don't like people who talk trash. To be perfectly honest, in my heart, I’m not a good winner either. My sarcastic, snarky mind can come up with a LOT of things to say to people. However, being an ADULT who enjoys having friends, and realizing that this is just a GAME that I have no control over (more about this later!) I don’t say them. I try really hard not to brag about winning or whine about losing where others can hear or read it! I don’t enjoy people who do.
3. I don’t like it when I can’t figure out which FSU shirt is the “lucky shirt.” Don’t give me grief – my logical mind KNOWS that I really don’t have a lucky shirt and that my FSU flag flying at my house has no impact on the game, Someone once told me that I have control issues – I know that I have NO control over the game, but, I have been known to change to another FSU shirt if the ‘Noles aren’t doing well at halftime
4. I don’t care for it when the players I’m trying to help don’t listen to me. Coach Fisher never listens, no matter if I yell, whisper or send brain waves. . . And my trying to warn our quarterback when people are coming for him doesn’t help either. Why don’t they listen????
5. I’ve never quite understood why 60 minutes of football can take 4 hours on TV. I know I’m not a math person, but still, four 15 minute quarters is 60. 60 minutes turns into four hours? How does that even work???
6. 3:00 or 3:30 games annoy me. I don’t know about everybody else, but Saturday afternoons are PRIME napping time at my house. I “watch” games I don’t really care about while I doze on the couch. But, sometimes MY game comes on at 3 or 3:30. . . How am I supposed to get a happy nappy when the Seminoles are playing??
7. Teams who change uniforms all the time – what’s up with that? It should be simple. Most teams have 2 main colors and we switch black and white, period. Please, please just STOP with too many “costumes.”
8. This is not about college football, but about being a fan in general. Those trash talking people that I referred to in #2. . . Here’s what they miss: Do not ever think that my love for Florida State is based solely on how well a group of 18 – 20-something-year-olds play a GAME. I love FSU, but I keep my eye on USF too and always want them to do well. Why you ask? Because the diplomas on my wall have both of those schools on them. My Bachelor’s degree from USF made my career and the life I live now possible. My Master’s degree from FSU changed my life in so, so many ways. Occasionally
9. This one is just ridiculous. . . I dislike the way that reporters get right up in players and coaches faces the very second that the game is over. I think when teams win, they need a little time and when they lose, they need a little more time. If you shoved a microphone in my face the very minute that something I liked or didn’t like was over, there is no telling what might come out of my mouth. For coaches and players, every word they say is examined at a microscopic level. . . That’s just wrong.
10. Hair. I really, really dislike all that hair hanging out of helmets. I just don’t like that. I also wish that all coaches had hair like Kliff Kingsbury as opposed to Matt Gundy. Honestly, choose one:
Oh, wait, maybe that is just not the hair. . .