Thursday, October 3, 2013

When Words Aren’t Enough

“I’m finding myself at a loss for words” – and you know that doesn’t happen much.  It’s not that I can’t find words, it’s that the ones I need to say aren’t ENOUGH. 


Thank you. 

Thank you for praying for our family.

Thank you for bringing us mountains of food. (According to my friend Mrs. Turner: “They won’t need any food – they’ve got the Baptist Church all tied up. They’ll have plenty of food.”  And she was absolutely right.)

Thank you for the flowers. 

Thank you for the donations to Macedonian Missionary Service in his name.

Thank you for saying  “Call me if you need __________” . . .  and meaning  it. 

Thank you for the cards – that are still coming.

Thank you for taking care of the work for my students.

Thank you for taking care of Mrs. Betty when we can’t.

Thank you for telling me that my Daddy was special to you too.

Thank you for loving me through this time in  my life.
