Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 12–I’m thankful for. . .

My pastor! I’ve had several pastors throughout my life and quite often, it was my daddy! I’ve been blessed to have wonderful men of God who were truly dedicated to the Lord and His service.

My  church now is blessed with a wonderful pastor. I love that he loves us, in spite of us.  Lately, he’s been preaching to me pretty hard, at least I feel like it. But that means he’s preaching what I need to hear, right? Even if it’s painful?

I love, Love, LOVE that he reads often and frequently! Because I’m a reader, when he talks about this book and that book – he’s speaking my language.  I believe that we all should be life-long learners and he is!

I’m thankful for a pastor that loves his family – and is not embarrassed or ashamed to say it! I love that he holds hands with Mrs. Debbie and that he has a verse for each of his grandchildren. 

I love that he makes mention of his salvation story frequently. That tells me that it is STILL important to him. His life became  very different on that November day and  I like it when he tells it again.

I am thankful for his availability. When I had my gallbladder out, he and Mrs. Debbie came to see me before. When my sister had surgery and was without a pastor, he came and prayed with my sister – who he doesn’t even know!  And on Monday, which is his day off!!

My church is blessed and I am blessed. We had a guest preacher last week who reminded us that we need to pray for our pastor all the time. It really convicted me – and I’m making it my goal to pray for my pastor EVERY SINGLE day. If you see me, ask me if I’ve prayed for my pastor yet today. I’m ashamed of myself that I hadn’t been. I do on Sundays and on Saturday nights and when I know he’s stressed, but EVERY day is my goal. 
