Sunday, January 12, 2014

What’s your “bookprint?” has a list of celebrity “bookprints.”  Check out your favorite celebrity’s famous books here:


book stack

Your bookprint is a list of books that changed your life or helped  make you who you are.  I like to look at other’s people’s lists and go “OOOO, I love that book!” or “HMMM, I wonder what’s in THAT book that changed him or her?”  I just recently looked at Nora Robert’s bookprint. I love her, I read all the books of hers I can get my hands on.  I buy her hardbacks at used book stores and from the Friends of the Library book sale.

I think everyone should have a bookprint.  Thinking about our lives and the books that have made an impression on us is important.  If you have children, this is one way to help them become readers!  When kids see adults reading, it reinforces the fact that reading is important.  Some research says that it’s not even so important WHAT you read, as it is that you read SOMETHING.

Scholastic’s list of bookprints has 5 books each. I don’t know if I can narrow my list down to 5.  I’ve often wondered if I was stranded on a deserted island what books I would want with me. (Because as long as I had some books and something to eat, being stranded on a deserted island wouldn’t be a bad thing.)

So what’s your bookprint? What books made you? What books changed your life?