Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Book Fair broke my heart today. . .

So I’m in the  midst of my first Book Fair. It’s completely NOT what I expected, but that’s a story for another day.  Today, something completely unexpected happened – and it made me sad. 

I have several students who come to the library ALL the time. They read voraciously.  They are on my list of Top 10 readers.  One came in after school to get a book and had to tell me that he can’t find a book. He’s beside himself, because he thinks he lost it.  It will probably turn up, so I’m not worried about that at all! 

I have some new books that I haven’t put out on the shelves yet.  I got him the first book in  a brand new series today and let him check it out first. His eyes were the size of saucers!!! He couldn’t stop smiling – it was an experience like I’ve  never had before.

As soon as he left, with the brand new book, something hit me like a ton of bricks.  For a child who comes to the library all the time, he didn’t even look at the Book Fair stuff.  In fact, he didn’t even look in that direction.  I realized that another one of my Top 10 readers has not come into the Book Fair.  Then it hit me. I’d swear to you a light bulb popped up over my head. Here’s what I realized – both of these young men are very poor. One was in my class before and I know that his family doesn’t have a lot. The other student? There are some clues that his family doesn’t have much.  One of them takes a  backpack of food home on the weekends.  Here’s the sad part – even though they love to read and there are LOTS of NEW books in the Book Fair, right there! they won’t explore.  They won’t even look, because  they know they can’t afford them.  It almost made me cry.

My family didn’t have a lot of  money when I was little. Daddy was in college, Mom didn’t work until I went to school and then she worked in a bra factory.  Daddy was the janitor at the Lakeland Ledger – we were pitifully poor.  BUT, our parents always found Book Fair or book order money.  I’m not sure how – and we didn’t always get EVERY book we wanted, but we got something for books. Our parents realized the importance of fostering our love of reading – and sacrificed to encourage that. There’s nothing like opening a brand new book that no one else has ever read by you.  No marks except what I made.  No spine cracks, no pages turned down. New car smell has nothing on new book smell.   Unfortunately, these students don’t have that – and that’s what made me sad. 

There are lots of points I could make – the importance of libraries for kids like this,  how poverty affects education, how parents need to be educated on how to help their children.  There all important and all good points.  But I don’t think I’ll ever forget the look on that young man’s face when I handed him that brand new book to borrow.  I just wish I could give  him some brand new books for his own.


Saturday, September 20, 2014

I will give you rest. . .

In Matthew 11:28, Jesus said “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”  Rest is an important thing. Without rest, we make bad decisions, we are cranky and we mess up.  Have  you ever seen anything more cantankerous than a 2 year old who needs a nap? Or been in a checkout line with one behind you? Or on an airplane with one?   We’ve all been there. And how many of us have been so tired we wished we could just behave like that 2 year old and get away with it?  Yeah, me too!

Last year, this week was an exhausted blur.  From Monday afternoon until early Friday morning, we basically sat by our father’s bedside, waiting.  I hate waiting.  This was excruciating.  He was not aware of us,  but he needed us. We turned him, my sister gave him medicine,  we watched and listened to every sound he made.  We took turns trying to sleep, but basically we all catnapped off and on.  It was an awful, terrible time,  There were moments of sweetness, and I think that we forged some bonds that will be forever, but all in all, it may be the worst week ever of my life. 

Through it all, lots of people kept saying “whatever you need. . . “ They meant it, I know they did, but there was nothing we could do.  We didn’t know what we needed or necessarily how to ask for what we did need.  We took turns leaving for little bits of time- to the store, to get something to eat, to run errands. I think was mostly to get away.   But here’s the thing. My friend Melissa lives not too far from where my daddy and Mrs. Betty lived. She, like others said, “whatever you need.”  On Thursday of that week, Robyn and I were absolutely exhausted.  Robyn kept switching roles all week  from daughter to nurse. . . I was mad at the world, because that’s my first reaction to EVERYTHING. Neither of us had had decent sleep since Sunday night.  So we got in the car and went to Melissa’s house.    She opened the door, hugged me and said “Here’s my house. What do you need?”  I put a load of clothes in her washer, Robyn took a shower and we both took a nap.  Melissa gave us clean towels, clean clothes and REST.  She turned off the lights, closed the door and we slept.   I think we slept for about 2 1/2 hours.  That was the most un-interrupted sleep we’d had since Sunday. We couldn’t hear the sounds of the oxygen machine, we couldn’t hear those awful sounds that Daddy would make sometimes in the night, and we  both felt like for the first time in days that there wasn’t something else we should be doing.  I don’t think I’ve needed sleep so badly or enjoyed it so much.  After a while, we took our clean clothes and went back to Daddy’s house.  Little did we know that would be our last sleep until our Daddy was in heaven, and that the night ahead would be FAR worse than the ones we’d already come through. 

Without that rest at Melissa’s house, I don’t k now if I could have made it through the stuff that was coming later.  She may have saved me!  

Tonight, I’ll go to bed without my Daddy on earth for the 365th night. In some ways it seems like that nap at Melissa’s was just yesterday.  Sometimes I think that’s the last, best sleep I’ve had.  I know this: we’re supposed to be the hands and feet of Jesus on this Earth.  Melissa was for us that day – she gave us rest.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

My first week as the. . .

So I am ready to begin week 2 as the ________________ at my school. This is a multiple choice question.  Here are your choices:

A. Media Specialist

B. Teacher-Librarian

C. Information Specialist

D. Textbook Manager

E. Li-berry Lady

I am all of those things. I’m also a equipment supplier, secretary to the network manager, and custodian.  


Last week was my first week during school as the library media specialist (which is what my school calls me.)  I did a LOT of stuff.

I visited all our portables and then delivered TV’s to the ones that didn’t  have one. I helped our network  manager give everyone their equipment. I barcoded and added to our library management system over 700 textbooks, and delivered some of those textbooks.  I vacuumed the floors, laminated miles of stuff,  and changed the laminating film (which always requires lots of prayers).  I processed some new books for our media center and those should be ready to go shortly.  I took a picture for a volunteer, took some stuff to the Black Hole, (the portable where we put stuff that needs to go away) and tried to find places for some stuff that just keeps appearing.  Here’s some things I have learned:

1.  Many people think of our media center as the dumping grounds.  Anything they don’t want or don’t know what to do with ends up in here – so I can figure out what to do with it. Some people don’t even label stuff, so that printer that just appeared with a sign “media center” I have no clue what that means.  Does it work? Does it not work? Does it need to go away? Who knows?? Those boxes of books that just appeared on the circulation desk? Where did those come from? And what am I supposed to do with them?

2.   There’s been no consistency in the way we catalogued things in our media center. Some things have bar codes, some just have SAP numbers.  Some books have bar codes on the left side, some on the right. Some at the top, some in the middle. . . I don’t know how to fix that, except just do it all the same way from now on.

3.  Right now, it’s a little lonely and I know this will change.  I’m used to having students all day –  and so far that’s not the case.  Again, I know it will change, but right now, I’m a little lonely. 

4.  Getting to read new books first is pretty cool. 

5. I get why they say that the library is the most expensive room in a school. . .

6. Some people want every piece of technology that a school has, even if they have no idea (or even the desire) to use it.  I actually had someone ask me for something and then later, ask me what it was.  For REAL!

7. I have figured out our magazine order and ordered our newspapers (both online and digital!) 

9. I have a quote for books from a book company. 

10.  I got to do this: 

JS first book

He wanted a book desperately. Our Art teacher sent me an email asking when he could get a book. He came to the media center, I asked him what he was looking for and we found it. We realized later, it wasn’t quite what he wanted (this book was all about drawing manga GIRLS and he wants to learn how to draw manga EVERYTHING) so we had to switch it out.  I promised him when I took the picture that no one would see it except me, so I had to hide hide his face, sort of. . .

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

When a good idea goes bad. . .

Do you ever have a really, really good idea, until you try to implement it? Then you realize what a terrible idea it was? That happens to me all the time.  Today, I’m just kicking myself.


I love bulletin board border. I’m slightly obsessed with it. I was at a teacher store yesterday and my friend was laughing because I kept saying “I’ve got that one and that one and that one.”  Yes, I’m a border hoarder.  I have bought LOTS of border and I’ve inherited lots of border when my friends have retired. 

I try to take really good care of my border, because it’s a little pricey to just use and throw away. I carefully roll it up when I’m done and put it all in a big bin.  I actually found a clever way to store it on Pinterest and I’m going to try that soon. I have a HUGE plastic tub filled with roll after roll after roll of border. I’ve got frogs, planets, globes, books, gumballs, Care Bears, Egyptian pyramids, Australian aboriginal art, you name it, I’ve probably got it. 

Over the years I’ve had most of my borders laminated. It  makes them stronger and they tear a whole lot LESS when they’ve been laminated. I have border that I bought the first year I taught that I can still use, and it’s 20 years old.  I get it laminated, roll it up in a gigantic roll and watch TV while I cut it.  Then, I spend 20 minutes picking up little pieces of clear plastic, but that’s another story.

Most border is curvy, like this: border 1

(and yes, I do own both of those borders!)  My sister and I had a big discussion one time because she just cuts her straight across the top when she gets them laminated and that drives me crazy nutso! But it is easy to cut.  Sometimes I have to pick up half moon shaped lamination scraps. 


Some border is straight like this:

border 2


That’s a Mary Englebreit (who I LOVE!) border and yes, I do own that one as well. It’s really, really easy to cut out after you laminate it. You just run your scissors along the edge and the extra lamination just falls off.

But then, there’s the OTHER border.  It has shapes, which makes a lovely, interesting bulletin board.  border 3

BUT, it’s a  pain to cut out after it’s laminated.  No easy curves or flat bottom to just slide the scissors along. . .  (Yes, I own that border as well.  I told you I was obsessed!)


So here’s my good idea gone bad.   I bought this border last year before school started.  It’s printed on both sides, it’s interesting looking and it has great colors. IMG_20140723_111236

Do you see where this is going???

I bought it last August. I’ve never used it yet. Can you guess why? I wish I could be like my sister and just cut it straight across the top.  But I just CAN’T.  I just spend 35 minutes cutting – and I have three pieces cut out.  Of course, now I stopped to write a blog post, so I’m even further behind.  You can only imagine all the little, tiny pieces of lamination scraps that are left behind. . . What a horrible idea!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Little Things. . .

I realize that most of the time, it doesn’t take much to make me happy. Little things usually do it for me.  Lately, there have been several things that don’t seem like much to most people, but make me very happy. Here’s a few.

Yesterday my professor and friend from FSU posted a picture of her dinner and tagged me in it. Doesn’t seem like much right?  Here it is:

shrimp and grits

It made me smile! Why? Because she remembers how much I love grits and it makes me think of when we were in London and she found grits for me.  See? Little things. . .

Yesterday morning at church, when I talked to sweet Ainsley,  she smiled at me.  Yes, she really did – and other people saw it!  Who doesn’t smile when a baby smiles at you? Little things.

During VBS a few weeks back, one of my little girls from Junior Church walked past the kitchen where I was standing with a bunch of other ladies.   Out of the clear blue, she yells out “I love you Miss Sandi.”    As you can imagine, that made my day. Another little thing. 

Today I checked my school email. I try to do it once every couple of weeks in the summer, because even though we’re not at school, the emails keep coming. If I waited until we officially went back to work, it would take hours to sort through it all.  Well, here’s what I discovered. 

name and title 

Yep, that’s me! My title has been changed in our email.  I’m still listed in the Social Studies department, but I have officially been granted the title of Library Media Specialist.  Again, I knew my principal’s secretary had done the paperwork for the county to make it “official” but I wasn’t sure how long it would take.  But there it is, in black and gray.

It’s a little thing, but it made my day. I’ll be smiling about this one for a while.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

A good housekeeper I’m not. . .

There are some things I’m good at doing. There are some things I’m not good at doing.  One of the things I’m NOT good at is keeping house.   I’m not a good housekeeper.  Okay, I’ve mostly messy.  If my choice is go to a move or clean my house, I’d rather sit in a dark theater, eat popcorn and watch a movie.  If my choice is hang out with Josh, or watch Makiah in a play or fold clothes, I’ll use clothes out of the laundry basket.  I can  find many, many excuses for not cleaning my house. 

I once heard a wise man say something like “You won’t keep your house clean until you get sick of it being dirty. “  He was right. I recently decided I’m tired of my messy house. During spring break, I started cleaning my house and worked on it really, really hard.  And it’s still mostly clean, which I’m very proud of.  Josh came upstairs to my house and said “Aunt Sandi, your house is looking pretty clean.” He actually said it with surprise in his voice, which I’m not exactly proud of. . .  I found a lot of stuff, threw a lot of stuff away and discovered some things.

Here’s  what I have discovered.

1. I have WAY too many books.

2.  I have too much stuff.

3. I have some really neat stuff. 

But here is my greatest discovery and I’m not really sure why NONE of my really good housekeeper friends ever shared this with me.

I have discovered the wonder that is a Magic Eraser.  It’s the coolest cleaning thing I’ve found.  I have no idea HOW it works, I just know it does.  You just wet it and scrub.  Eventually, it just sort of dissolves away.

If you haven’t used one, a magic eraser will clean just about anything.   The inside of a microwave, check.  A stovetop, check. The outside or inside of a fridge or freezer, check. A wall, check.  Faucets and a bathroom sink, sure. The inside and glass of a toaster oven, yep. . .  I haven’t found anything it WON’T clean.  In my experience,   the ones from the Dollar Tree (2 for a $1.00) seem to work best   Walmart’s version, mehhh.   I’ve never actually used a real Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.  I can’t imagine how good THEY are. 

So, my  new goal is to keep my house clean. My magic erasers make it easier.

magic eraser

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father’s Day

10Today is Father’s Day – my first without my Daddy. That makes me sad.  I’ve been thinking about him a lot this week. . . and I miss him.

Last week I heard someone say that her dad was a pastor and he got up and preached on Sunday, but the rest of the week he was completely different. My daddy wasn’t like that. He was the same on Sunday and Monday and Tuesday and Thursday and Saturday. He was always the same. 

My sisters and I couldn’t have asked for a better dad.  Ours really, really was the best.  Our dad was patient and kind.  He took time for us and always saw good in people. He was almost naïve, in that he would pick up hitchhikers, and stop and help people on the side of the road.  He was a great dad.  He always gave people a second or third chance,  never carried a grudge and never had anything bad to say about people.


In the process of cleaning out some of his stuff, we  found several of his of his Bibles.  He wrote all over them, in his cramped, chicken-scratch handwriting. Some of the things he copied from Bible to Bible, every time he got a new one.  I could (and probably will) write several blog posts about the stuff he put in them.  I found this to be most interesting.  In the back of each Bible, he had one of my sisters copy this poem.  I have no idea where he got it, I’ve looked and looked to find an author and I can’t. I know it came from a  So here it is:

Papa’s Coming

He swung on the gate and looked down the street,

Awaiting the sound of familiar feet,

Then suddenly came to the sweet child’s eyes,

The marvelous glory of morning skies,

For a manly form with a steady stride,

Drew near to the gate that opened wide,

As the boy sprang forward and joyfully cried “ Papa’s coming.”

The wasted face of a little child,

Looked out of the window with eyes made wild.

By the ghostly shades in failing light,

And the glimpse of a drunk man in the night. 

Cursing and reeling from side to side,

The poor boy trembling and trying to hide,

Clung to his mother’s skirts and cried “Papa’s coming.”


There are things I know, and things I don’t know. I don’t know why that was so important to him. I don’t know who wrote it.  I do know that it came from the Sword of the Lord newsletter from the June 19, 1980 issue.   I do know that his father was a drunk, before it was politically correct to be called an alcoholic.   I do know that my dad never drank, ever for fear that he’d be like his dad.  I know that he never was like that – and that was important to him. 

Today in Junior Church, we made a little thing for dads.  On the outside, it said “My dad is the best dad because. . . “ and the kids put slips inside with reasons WHY their dad is a great dad. There are some great dads that I know, but my dad really was the best dad.  And that, I know. 


Saturday, May 10, 2014

My Mom(s) ??

I was lucky to have a GREAT Mom. She was a pistol!  She wasn’t always easy, but she loved us and sacrificed a lot of things for us.  I never saw my mother sleep.  She was awake when we got up and was always awake when I went to bed.  She went to business college after I started school, and had a higher GPA than I did in college. My goal in graduate school was to have the same or higher GPA than she did.

I’ll never understand why God decided to take her early. I was certainly not ready to be a motherless child, even though I was an adult. I have to trust that He knew what He was doing, that He is always good and that His ways are not my ways.


mom and me (2)

That being said, Mother’s Day isn’t easy.Because I’m NOT a mother, and because I don’t have my mother with me any longer,  it makes me sad.  I have some dear, sweet friends who have lost their children, and my heart always hurts for them on Mother’s Day as well.  I think it must be harder for them than it is for me!

After my mom went to Heaven, my dad married again.  I was not really too excited about that and I’m not really good at hiding my feelings.   It’s been really, really hard to think of her as my step-mother.  But Ms. Betty took good care of my daddy.  She loved my daddy and he loved her – and that is good enough for me. I’m sorry I couldn’t get over myself earlier. 


But, like I said earlier, God is good. I have been blessed with lots of people who “mother me.”  The Ladies Auxiliary at my church has a group of ladies that take good care of me.  One of them hems my clothes for me and fixes them for me when I mess them up.   Another brings sandwiches to our meeting because she worries that I don’t eat supper before I come to our meeting.  They all LISTEN to me.  That’s the greatest thing. 

I have some other ladies from my Sunday School class who take care of me as well. One lady makes me pumpkin muffins, which she knows I love.  They make bows for me and make things look pretty when I can’t do it myself.  They LISTEN to me and give me advice.   They just take care of me.

I have another friend who is extra special.   She had a loss much greater than mine.  Her daughter Jennifer was my friend.   We didn’t have much in common, but the first time we met, it was like that “click” when you just KNOW.  She was one of the bravest people that I ever met in my life.  She accomplished some amazing things. She went to heaven three years ago this August.  Her mom Kathy is my friend too, which is slightly odd when you think about it.  But her mom has filled an empty spot for me. 

One day, after Jen passed away, her mom called me and asked me to do her a favor.  She said she needed something.  I told her I’d do whatever I could.  She said she needed a daughter. She missed having her daughter.  I told her I needed a mom. I missed having my mom. It seemed like a perfect match.

After my mom passed away, one of my wise friends told me: “It will get better. God will help that empty spot fill up. It won’t be the same, but it will be good.”  You know what, he’s exactly right.  I can’t replace Jennifer for Ms.Kathy and Mr. Donald.  They can’t replace my parents.  BUT,  I can help fill up their empty spot, just like they can help me fill up my empty spots.  Ms., Kathy listens to me when I’m whiney,  tells me when I’m being ridiculous and just need to stop and lets me know when I’m being irrational. Sometimes she has to tell me to get over myself.  I ask her for advice and help.  She helps me do all kinds of things. We measured flour and salt into Ziploc bags to make dough that would turn into Olympic medals. She bought and cut straws for me for our Mother’s Day craft tomorrow.  (My pumpkin muffin making friend experimented for me!)  Tomorrow, she’ll help me  hot glue.  

Mother’s Day is all about honoring mothers.  I’m thankful for Betty Jimmerson, my mother.  I’m also thankful for the other mothers that God has put in my life.  image

Sunday, March 23, 2014

What do my Legos say about me?

So, a few weeks ago, my students at school used my Legos for a project.  They said they smelled like syrup, so when we were done, I decided to wash them.  I washed some in the sink, in my colander, and some I tied up in a pillowcase and threw in the washer. Air dry, it worked GREAT!

I decided to sort them before I put them back into the tub.  I took out all my people and the tiny part, and put them into a zip top bag.  What I found concerned me a bit. . .


Here’s my Lego family picture.  A slightly dysfunctional family. 


Luckily, we have lots of headgear. Any occasion, I’m prepared. From baseball caps to witch doctor masks to hair. 

That was not as frightening as this: 


Why are my mini-figures this well armed?  I mean, really? That’s quite an armory.

And speaking of “arms” 



These unattached heads are slightly creepy.


And these dismembered body parts.  Notice that there’s an unequal number of heads, bodies and legs.   Oh, and yet another knife.




But hey, we have plenty of flippers And an oxygen tank.


Oh wait, all is well.  We have a magician’s hat, a magic wand and a ghost suit.


Why are there no girls? Why do I have so many weapons? Why do I have  half a skeleton and a ghost? I have no idea. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

What can I do?

I hear people say that a lot – “What can I do?”  “Is there anything I can do?”  Well, I’ve got something for you.

I hate cancer. My friend Jen died because of  brain cancer. My grandfather died from lung cancer – smoking until the day he died, I must add.  I have several friends who are breast cancer survivors. I don’t think there is anyone in the world who has not lost someone they  love or been afraid they would lose someone they love because of cancer. 

I can’t cure cancer.  I’m not a researcher who is working on a cure. But there are people who are doing that and I’m sure every day they  get closer and closer.  We could give money to the American Cancer Society --  but we won’t. We could all participate in Relay for Life  --but we won’t.  So what can we do, except talk about how much we hate it?

I’ve got a simple, simple thing we all can do.  Chevrolet has a program right now called Purple Roads. Purple is the official color for cancer survivors.  There is a website where you can “Purple your Profile.”  You click a few times and your profile picture on facebook turns purple. Yeah, it looks funny and weird. But here’s the thing: Chevrolet will donate up to ONE MILLION dollars to the American Cancer Society, one dollar for EACH purple profile on Tuesday.   So, a few clicks, and you help the American Cancer Society get money.  You can help fight cancer, and all it costs is a few seconds of your time and a purple profile for a few days. 

I have 434 friends on facebook.  My goal is 25 friends turn their profile purple.  Then, if 10 of their friends all turn theirs purple. . . Get it?? That could be a LOT of people.  All for a few seconds and few clicks.  PLEASE help!  What can YOU do?

Besides, PURPLE is my favorite color! It will make me happy to see purple profiles!!

Monday, January 20, 2014

I wish I could say he got it from me. . .

I have two nephews and one niece.  I love them all beyond words but they are by no means perfect. Almost, but not quite. Winking smile   Of course, my sisters like to say that anything less than perfect that shows up in their characters is because of me, their Aunt Sandi.


Here are a few things that I do take partial credit for.  They are all very stubborn, HMM, let’s rephrase that to “determined.” I’ll take some of the blame for that.  They’ve all seen me hold on to something WAY longer than I should have, which has not always been a good thing.

Two of the three have turned into book lovers. We have one who loves to read, one who listens to books and one who prefers other things besides books.  I can’t take all the credit for that – our mom and dad were both readers and my sisters and I all love to read.  But, I did buy them an awful lot of books when they were little, so I’ll take SOME  credit for that.

Both of our boys like a good argument.  Ken will take the opposite side just to annoy you, and even argue against something he believes, just for a good “discussion.” Josh will tell you if you’re wrong, give you his reasons and he’s done. He doesn’t enjoy the argument as much as Ken, but sometimes he argues just to be ornery.  (This may be from me, sad to day.) 

They are all brilliant – and I’m not just saying that because I’m their aunt.  They are all gifted and talented in many different ways.   They are all MUCH better at Math than their Aunt Sandi, our Josh especially has an incredible gift for math.

But today, I spent most of the day with our Josh and I watched him. I have had a leaky bathroom faucet for a while and he kept changing the washer inside. He’s been pondering the whole thing,  I think and so today, he decided we needed to change the whole mess.  I don’t know the correct words for things, but whatever the washer goes up against was broken and the washers just kept getting chewed up.  So about 4:30 today, he started working on my faucets.  We made two trips to Lowe’s and one to Harbor Freight. He says the first trip to Lowe’s doesn’t really count, because it wasn’t really what we needed, but I count it!  

We turned off the water to our house several times, cut PVC pipe, assembled, un-assembled, re-assembled, turned on the water, had a small leak, turned off the water, un-assembled, re-assembled and repeated.  About 9:00 he pronounced it DONE. 

This is what amazes me --  he just keeps trying over and over and over.  And he never gets upset. I get irritated and start yelling at stuff. Yes, I yell at inanimate objects.   He stays calm and just carries on.  I kept thinking he reminded me of someone – but I couldn’t figure out who. It certainly isn’t me!! My reaction to stress is anger – and I’m certainly not proud of that.  But he is just amazingly calm.   

Then, it hit me. He reminds me of my daddy.  My daddy didn’t get upset about stuff.  He got excited about good things and he’d act silly sometimes, but he didn’t get angry or upset in stressful situations – he just stayed calm, quiet and tried again.   I know that I’ve passed on some things to Ken, Josh and Makiah, but it makes me happy to see their Grandpa in them too!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

What’s your “bookprint?” has a list of celebrity “bookprints.”  Check out your favorite celebrity’s famous books here:


book stack

Your bookprint is a list of books that changed your life or helped  make you who you are.  I like to look at other’s people’s lists and go “OOOO, I love that book!” or “HMMM, I wonder what’s in THAT book that changed him or her?”  I just recently looked at Nora Robert’s bookprint. I love her, I read all the books of hers I can get my hands on.  I buy her hardbacks at used book stores and from the Friends of the Library book sale.

I think everyone should have a bookprint.  Thinking about our lives and the books that have made an impression on us is important.  If you have children, this is one way to help them become readers!  When kids see adults reading, it reinforces the fact that reading is important.  Some research says that it’s not even so important WHAT you read, as it is that you read SOMETHING.

Scholastic’s list of bookprints has 5 books each. I don’t know if I can narrow my list down to 5.  I’ve often wondered if I was stranded on a deserted island what books I would want with me. (Because as long as I had some books and something to eat, being stranded on a deserted island wouldn’t be a bad thing.)

So what’s your bookprint? What books made you? What books changed your life?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Love Letter

I got a love letter tonight. It came in an envelope, with a stamp.

love letter 3


The envelope was even signed:

Ethan 2


My letter had an illustration: 

love note 2


And it said:

love note


It came from this cutie:


And it made my week!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Losing Even When Your Team Wins. . .

At USF, when I was a student, there was no such thing as Bulls football.  But late in 2006, , I got accepted at FSU.  The instant I got that  acceptance letter,  I felt this strange sense of  HISTORY. FSU has been around for a LONG time, and sports has been a huge part of that.  Personally, I had no lifelong feelings towards any college football team, although my dad always like Florida State.  He was the chaplain for the Pahokee High School football team for years and several of his "boys” went to FSU, and I’ve always known of Bobby Bowden. My dear, dear friends Al and Susan Smith are die hard 'Noles fans, because Mr. Al went to law school there!  I have several other friends who are FSU fans, but I also have dear friends w ho are loyal Gator fans. 

That being said, my school gets my loyalty.   I told a friend once that in my opinion, “degree trumps fan.”  I meant it and still do. As long as I have my degrees from FSU and USF, I will always want FSU and USF to win.  It works the same way with kids. My nephew goes to USF so it will be important to us.  If your kid and/or your money goes somewhere, that’s your team, right? I mean a wise man once said “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” 

I read a great  quote several years ago, and I’m not even sure where I read it. I have a “Words of Wisdom” board in my room and I’m always looking for good stuff to put up there.   This one just kind of hung out in my brain: “Sports do not build character. They reveal it.”  John Wooden said it and I knew NOTHING about him,   until I just read about him on Wikipedia.  (I find it interesting he’s called "the Wizard of Westwood” since I teach at Westwood, but  I’m digressing.

I've never agreed with it so much as after last night's football game. I’m amazed at some of the comments and reactions that flew across my screens.  I thought last night’s game was FABULOUS. Not the kind of game I like – I like it when my team wins by a TON of points, so I’ve been a happy camper all this season.  But here’s what I noticed: sports reveals character, not just of players, but of fans.   To my dismay, several people that I’ve always thought a lot of. . . kind of disappointed  me.  Some of the comments I read were just disheartening.  

Was I excited that “MY” team won? Absolutely!!

Am I thrilled that “MY” team is the National Champions? You bet! 

Am I proud to be a Seminole? From the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. 

Did I have ANYTHING to do with it? Absolutely NOT.

Would I have been sad if Auburn had won? Absolutely!

Would I be  bitter if Auburn won? You bet! 

Would I still be proud to be a Seminole? From the top of my head to the bottom of my feet.

Do my opinions of the game and my feelings have ANYTHING to do with the outcome? Absolutely NOT.

So here’s my question – why did so many people who “had no dog in that fight” have so many icky things to say?

Nobody that I know lost their job today because FSU won. Nobody  that I know would have a better life today if Auburn held that crystal trophy. Yet there were those who said nasty, hateful things about wanting players to be injured  People maligned the character of young men, who played their guts out to give US a good game. 

So here’s the thing: my team won! Tomorrow, your favorite team wins and mine loses.   Whether it was luck or skill or karma or whatever,  my favorite team won a GAME.    And if one or two things happened differently,  my favorite team  would have lost a GAME.  But the sun still came up this morning, I still had a job to go to, birds still sang, the tide still moved in an out.

Even though my team won, I lost.  I’ve lost some respect for people  whose character was revealed during that game.

Superman FSU pic