Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I miss my blog so here’s some random thoughts from me!

I haven't blogged in what seems like forever. Between school (my job) and school (FSU) and church, I'm just swamped. I left school nearly in tears yesterday, and just wanted to drown my frustration in chocolate. I couldn't find any at my house. That's not good, I need a secret stash. Of course, facebook has been sucking up time too. I've connected with some old friends, some new friends and some family that I don't see enough. My cousin Michael is on facebook and he posts the weirdest things that I just have to answer. My cousin Melissa is on there, too, and even though she lives closer, just in Clewiston, I haven't seen her in a long time. My friend Melissa found me as well, and I haven't seen her in a LONG time either, probably 10 years at least. I have some new friends, too, our friend Cindy who moved here from St. Louis, and her friend who is now our friend, who we call "Best-Friend Debbie." She has two rescued dogs, one of which is quite the escape artist.

I have to give a devotion at a ladies meeting on Saturday, and the theme of the meeting is "My Favorite Things." It wouldn't seem like that topic would be too hard, but I'm having a bit of a struggle to get it together. I'm also supposed to speak at a Girl's Retreat at the end of the month, and that lesson isn't going so well either. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed.

Here's another random thought - have you ever watched "Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern?" I am just amazed at two things about that show. One, how much he can eat, and two, how much he can get in his mouth in one bite. I must say, this is the only show, except Fear Factor that has EVER made me gag. One day, he was drinking this medicine/health food junk made with aloe. We used to have an aloe plant in our yard, and I actually have a small one that one of my kids gave me for Christmas a couple of years ago. I know how slimy and icky feeling aloe can be, although it's great for sunburn. BUT, watching him try to drink some sort of juice with aloe in it, and the stringy, slimy looking parts reaching from his mouth to the cup. . . I nearly couldn't handle it. As I type this, he's eating southern soul food. Now, I love southern food, and a lot of what is called "soul food" we ate my whole life at my house. This is not what I expected. He's eating raccoons and possums. Now he's watching some guy make "chittlins" which I think that's actually spelled "chitterlings." He's cooking them in a big cast iron skillet just like my momma had. Now, he's on to fried pickles and fried green tomatoes. I love fried stuff. . . I may have to come back to this topic later. . .