Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ridiculous Things

Okay, I just had to comment on two absolutely ridiculous things that have appeared in my life lately.  Just absolutely silly things.

1. I had to buy a  new curling iron a few weeks ago. I use two – a skinny one for the short hair underneath, and one with a fatter barrel for the outside layers of my hair. My fat one died and I had to buy a new one. I go to Wal-Mart, yes, Wal-Mart, thinking I’ll get the best price. They didn’t have one the same size as my old one, which just irritated me beyond belief. And call me crazy, but I am not spending $29.99 on a CURLING IRON.  So I found the closest one. It looks something like this:



Here’s the ridiculous part. It has 25 heat settings. Is that not crazy?? I need HOT and OFF. That’s all. Does anybody really need 25 heat settings??  And it has a TURBO setting – it gets hot in 30 seconds.  Do I really need it hot in 30 seconds?? NO.  I just wanted an off/off switch - not 25 settings.


2. Here’s the second new ridiculous thing. I buy toilet paper in big packages. I don’t want to run out – I’ve blogged about that before. My last package of toilet paper came with a free. . . wait for it. . .  Toilet Paper Cover, designed by some artist.  Really?? Don’t we all know or at least HOPE that a bathroom with have toilet paper in it? We have to hide it? Really, if I’m ever at your house and I have to use the restroom, and I use the last of the toilet paper, I don’t want to have to hunt for a new roll. I WANT to be able to find it. I don’t want to leave an empty roll on the toilet paper holder and I don’t want to have to dig around for a new one. I want it to be obvious.

Is it just me or are both of those just crazy??

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