Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day, 2001

I know – it’s not Christmas. But for my family, Memorial Day and this song both mean something different.

My mom loved music. I think she was tone deaf, but she loved music. She  tried so hard to make us all musical – Robyn plays piano, Patti sings. I play the radio. I love music, but have no talent for it.   It was important for us to have lots of music at her funeral.  We all needed something different. Coach Stacy who sang at my parents wedding, sang at my Mom’s funeral. Daddy needed that. Our dear friend Mrs. Rita sang – Momma wanted that.  Our friends Kerry and Laquita sang – we needed that.   Our Mom loved the Hallelujah Chorus. She told us for YEARS that she wanted it played at her funeral.   I almost wonder sometimes if she knew she would be leaving us early. . . she gave us very clear instructions on what she wanted!  So at the very end, we played the Hallelujah Chorus – actually, my CD is the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, just as this video is! I’m not sure why she loved it so much, although it is moving and wonderful. I love all the different parts, where each group is singing something completely different. I love that big pause at the end.  But now, every time I hear it, it hurts a little.  Not as much as it used to, but there is still a twinge! 

This summer, my family and I are going back to the Keys. For some of us, it’s the first time we’ve been back. I have mixed feelings – I’m very excited, but I’m nervous too. . . It will be bittersweet – going to a place she absolutely loved, but without her.   

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