Monday, August 27, 2012

I wanna go there!!!

I love the author Nora Roberts. I adore her writing style, her characters and the pictures she makes in my head. I also love that she writes books in a series, which makes me happy.  Her newest series is the Inn Boonsboro series, which includes the books “The Next Always,” “The Last Boyfriend” and coming in November “The Perfect Hope.” These books are all set in Boonsboro, Maryland and involve the renovation and creation of Inn Boonsboro. Here’s what I love about this series: each suite in the inn is named after famous couples in literature who lived happily ever after. There’s a Nick and Nora suite, Titania and Oberon,  Marguerite and Percy, Jane and Rochester. My own personal favorites – Elizabeth and Darcy, Eve and Roarke (from her own JD Robb novels) and  Westley and Buttercup!!

Here is the coolest thing ever! You CAN really go to the Inn. Nora Roberts and her husband really bought an old inn, redid it and fixed it just like the Montgomery brothers did in the books!! Each suite is designed specially to match it’s couple. Each suite also has it’s own amenities designed specially for it’s couple. Is that not the coolest thing EVER?? I want to go there. The hardest decision would be. . . which room would I want to stay in??


You can check it out here:

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