Sunday, March 28, 2010

Wise words from . . . my candy???

So, I'm always looking out for words of wisdom. I have a bulletin board in my classroom with "Words of Wisdom" on it – great quotes from all different places and people. I have a quote from my principal, from Mother Teresa, to Winston Churchill to Master Yoda and Thumper. I add to it, make my kids read them when those words apply. I'm always looking. This is one reason I like to eat Dove Chocolates. (Yeah, right.) The Dove promises have neat little quotes inside. I've been indulging lately (Publix had Dove candies BOGO so of course I had to buy some) and here are some of the great quotes I've found in the chocolate. BTW, I've been saving the wrappers – I have NOT eaten all these myself at one time. I was passing them out during field day and I saved the wrappers. Some of these are very profound! Enjoy!

  • Look for love in unexpected places.
  • Remind yourself that it's okay not to be perfect.
  • Indulge in the moments that matter most.
  • Success is getting what you want, and happiness is wanting what you get. (That's almost Biblical – . . . for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content)
  • Smile when you want to, cry when you need to, laugh whenever possible.
  • It's OK not to do it all.
  • Keep moving forward, don't look back.
  • Give a smile, you'll almost always get one back.
  • Love like there is no tomorrow.
  • Most things you worry about never happen.
  • If you fail, learn and move on. You're growing.
  • Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted at all. (I think that's my favorite.)

Pretty good stuff, isn't it? I wonder what the rest of them say. I've heard people say they just read Playboy for the articles – I'm just eating chocolate for the quotes. J

1 comment:

Harry Everhart said...

I lost your email address and Lulu is not here to give me it.