Sunday, June 5, 2011

My Church

I love my church!  Today we had lunch after church. We had baptism, (one of my boys from Awana and Junior Church was baptized!) and then we had lunch.  I’ve been to LOTS of church fellowship lunches, usually called “dinner on the ground”  but this was a first. Today we had STEAK and baked potatoes.  We have a couple in our church who have a ranch and they provided the steaks. Another family caters barbeque and he grilled the steaks.  They were FABULOUS.  I’ve not heard one person say they got a bad steak today. I like my steaks well done, so I realize that usually, I’m sacrificing tenderness for doneness. but today they were all perfectly done and perfectly tender.  They were absolutely wonderful. I left full, full, full.

It wasn’t just the food – we got to sit around and TALK and catch up with some stuff from people we see across the way sometimes, but don’t always get to really TALK to.  It was just a wonderful, wonderful time!!

We had great food, great desserts and great, great fellowship.  It was a great way to start this last week of work! 

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